1 years ago
[cat medical] had a bit of a scare with chinnigan last night, but baby boy should be okay
latest #29
1 years ago
gave him food and insulin like usual yesterday am. he ate his food while I was putting it in his bowl like usual, but only ate a bit of his churu (with his gabapentin mixed in), but that's when kits came over, so we thought he was distracted, or maybe I didn't mix the powder in well and the texture was off
1 years ago
went out for the day with kits, thinking nothing of it
1 years ago
came home in the evening and he was throwing up a few minutes later. assumed he was just trying to hack up a hairball and put the TV on, but then a few minutes later I heard him going to the bathroom and could tell it was diarrhea
1 years ago
chinnie has IBD and can get loose sometimes, so checked his boxes and saw that that was the 3rd time today he was like that. also found 2 other vomit piles, and noticed he hadn't touched his food. also had only peed twice (small volume for him) and usually by that hour he's gone 3 times, so def dehydrated
1 years ago
so took him to the kitty er
1 years ago
If it was princess I might have waited until the am to see if it sorted itself out, like if it was just a stomach bug, but with his diabetes, I take zero chances with chinnigan
1 years ago
he was pretty low energy, still clearly not feeling well. only cried twice during the car ride when he's usually going fairly non-stop, and at the vet he éd very tired despite his anxiety, though he did find his energy when they were drawing his blood lol became very squirmy then, but after was back to low energy
1 years ago
good blood sugars were on the lower end of a non diabetic cat, so no insulin last night
1 years ago
was probably because I have him his shot like usual bc he seemed to have an appetite, but then he didn't eat, and if you don't know, insulin lowers blood sugar; it does not raise it like s lot of people thinks it does
1 years ago
so he likely had low sugar all day
1 years ago
labs showed a flare up of his pancreatitis and maybe a uti (pending a urine culture)
1 years ago
he also had trace ketone, which is a big no no for diabetics, but thankfully only trace, so not a diabetic crisis yet
1 years ago
they gave him anti nausea meds and an anti diarrheal so hell hopefully eat his food, raise his blood sugar, and stop producing ketones for energy
1 years ago
he had to stay with them overnight :-(
1 years ago
got a text from the Dr about 2 hours ago saying he's eating food but his blood sugars were still low, so they're going to keep checking on them throughout the day. assuming they rise, he'll come home tonight, so fingers crossed
1 years ago
I felt so bad leaving him bc if I stepped out of the room for even a second, when I came back in he cried at me. he was so anxious
1 years ago
Poor baby boy, poor you. Sending hugs and strength to you both.
Catgirl Crimes
1 years ago
Poor chinny ):
Bing Bong
1 years ago
oh no poor baby
Many Birds
1 years ago
oh no :< hope it'll all be alright
Rabbit Witch
1 years ago
aww poor babu
1 years ago
chinnie came home around 430!
1 years ago
oh good
1 years ago
he's still a little out of it and hasn't really eaten much but he's more alert than he was yesterday
1 years ago
got sent home with meds to help his tummy so hopefully he'll eat more tomorrow
1 years ago
he's off his insulin through at least the morning when i have to call my vet and get a blood glucose read so we can determine the best course of action, but we might be lowering his dose?
1 years ago
as of his 2pm reading his blood sugars were in the normal range for a non-diabetic cat, but he hasn't eaten a lot, so they would naturally be lower, so 100% cannot give him his insulin tonight
1 years ago
hoping he eats some food tonight
Many Birds
1 years ago
glad he’s back with you!
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