rlly good brain
1 years ago
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latest #33
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Memorial for Team Ruby/RWBYJ is canon I am living but I am also dying.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Totally understand why that epilogue didn't make the cut for the Volume proper because good lord that's a lot of assets on top of being a way longer epilogue than usual but danged if that won't make a banger opener for V10.
pastel ranma
1 years ago
Yeah I'm hoping it'll be the opening for V10
pastel ranma
1 years ago
Nora needs to tackle-hug Jaune so hard
rlly good brain
1 years ago
malkuthsoldier It'd really only need a tiny bit of tweaking to work if that. Because even the Raven thing could be explained via a Flashback/In-Media Res sort of thing.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Jaune's gonna get a fast-ball special of a Nora Tackle Hug and honestly he deserves it.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
I also want Emerald to be like, "Okay but seriously, I join the Good Guys and then you all decided to ditch us for a beach vacation arc I hate you all??" while hugging them or something.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Emerald "It's not like I actually missed any of you morons" Sustrai.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Love the confirmation that Raven must have some kind of Spidey Sense when it comes to the people connected with her portals because that is going to be an interesting discussion knowing what we know now about her and Summer's last mission.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Also laughing because I know it was for the visual of Vacuo but it did look like the Blacksmith/The Tree dropped them off kinda far from the city proper and I'm just picturing RWBYJ like 15 minutes after that establishing shot complaining about exactly that.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And then who shows up to Fast Travel them but Raven.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And they all just like
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Anyway in other news Yang is built like a brick house and I can't wait to see the other new models for the girls but dayum:
pastel ranma
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
cosmonautdelta She's gonna have these arms out at the beach in Laby. Welcome to the Gun Show, Blake.
lmaooo Blake will not know what to do with herself, she will turn into the most useless of bisexuals
rlly good brain
1 years ago
jkdsk This is fair because I'm pretty sure Yang has also been useless watching Blake spear fish like
they can take turns being useless sapphics lmao
rlly good brain
1 years ago
LOL that sounds right for them.
but yeah, that scrapped epilogue made me tear up I so hope it's the start of v10, that would be so good
but can you imagine Ruby's reaction upon seeing Raven? she'd just seen that memory and found out that Raven had something to do with Summer's death, her emotions about that would be high lmao
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Yeah, I feel like that'd be the only thing tweaked (or would at least need to be revisited) because Raven bringing them into Vacuo is very cool but Ruby is most certainly going to have words for Raven and it's not like the rest of them are gonna be thrilled to see her lol.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Rofl I really hope Ruby's extra indignant at Raven about it because I keep thinking back to V5 and Ruby imploring Raven to reconsider who she's working with and Raven's response was, "u sound just like ur mom :\ " and then opened up a portal that FIREBALL'd her.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Like I knew Raven had baggage about Summer but now that we know there is additional baggage that scene is extra hilarious to me.
and can you imagine Yang's reaction?? and Blake's like "uhhh who's that" "that's my mom" "oh"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
ROFL THIS. Also it occurs to me that Blake's the only one Raven hasn't personally offended in some way (yet), like there's Yang, and now Ruby's whole everything, and she kidnapped Weiss and idk I'm sure Jaune's no fan of hers so it's like, lucky you, Blake.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Raven finding out Blake and Yang are dating though can I have that? I feel like that's gonna be really funny.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Honestly, just give me a montage of literally every character's reaction to learning they're dating.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Ranging from "oh god finally" to "ohhhh that explains a lot"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Looking at you Marrow.
lmao god that would be the best. from Nora be like "I KNEW IT. I FELT SOMETHING HAPPENING" to Sun being like "omg finally lmaoooo"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
LOL Nora's gonna be ecstatic, just tugging on Ren like, "SEE. SEE???"
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