1 years ago
oh no i'm spending too much time on this CSS stuff, I think this is probably fine for now
latest #7
1 years ago
If I was more of a HUGE NERD with a ton of time I'd make the plurks boats floating on my little sea
1 years ago
I was cruising around and someone put a little gif of an pixel anime woman riding a jetski near the comments on theirs lmao
1 years ago
you can really make your profile powerful, I miss when the internet was like this
1 years ago
ads don't display on your timeline so even though plurk has grown a bit in features since I last used it, there's never been a practical reason for revoking customisation. some stuff you can't edit anymore but I think it's for practical reasons, like the top bar won't change anymore, maybe people were hiding it inadvertently or something.
1 years ago
yeah you can really fuck up how you view the site and i'm sure some more tech-illiterate people have probably really screwed up their profile
1 years ago
also looking through the ancient, dessicated remains of 10+ year old accounts with dead links on every single thing is very ominous
1 years ago
I mean, look at my account. it is from 2008. 15 years is a very long time in internet terms.
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