... wonders
15 years ago
hw's silent at plurk nw...
latest #114
d|NAST|k says
15 years ago
really? hmm...
... says
15 years ago
a little bit lar...:-)
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
ya ya..quite quiet now
... says
15 years ago
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
huh? Steph_93 steph ♀ scolding us wo
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
how come
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
... says
15 years ago
nvm lar
... says
15 years ago
i delete it already mah
... says
15 years ago
dun care bout it,k:-)
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
delete wat?
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
... says
15 years ago
the response...
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
wat response?
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
u mean u deleted the gal who is scolding us jus now?
... says
15 years ago
ya....den wont spoil our mood mah...
... says
15 years ago
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
walao, how come she is still here? wei, wan let me cane u Steph_93 steph ♀
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
so nottie
... says
15 years ago
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
correct your grammar before you come and talk to me.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
woi bitch. do not fucking speak english to us here. open up dictionary.com before talking to us.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
we're this bitchy, love us 8D
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
LOVED YOU vivienne.
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
dictionary damn useful.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
yes baby. me too.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
we aint spoiling anyone's mood. we're actually mood makers k bitch. our job is to bitch ppl.
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
our job is to bitch bitches.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
HAHAHHAAAA. good one.
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
thank you. =D
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
hey @♂ steph ♀, you are asking who to correct the grammar be4 talked to you?
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
how come got such bitches here? whr is urs manners?
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
u should talk politely with all plurkers!
vivienne ★
15 years ago
eh bitch. dont try to be nice to us k. you dont fucking deserve it. we are nice to ppl not like you two, darling.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
hey, bitch is not for u to address me! i have neva ever to be nice with u two bitches!!!!!
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
which two that you have mentioned? shit! only 15 yrs old d be that RUDE! damn u both
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
blue_heart pls settle them, as this is not my topic, i wouldnt care for so much!
vivienne ★
15 years ago
i love the way i work things bb. you dont the right the judge me. being rude is my signature. take it or leave it.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
i address everyone as bitch.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
i'll get hyped up when ppl calling me bitch, bitch.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
www.plurk.com/joline: i pity you. as we are trying to intimidate her not the fuck out of you.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
bitch is a RUDE word...teacher has neva teaches you?
vivienne ★
15 years ago
vivienne ★
15 years ago
my teacher taught me that bitch is a female dog.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
cause my teacher wont teach us rude things like your teacher does best bb.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
hello, im an adult, i don care wat u r thinking right now!!!!!!! as u r just 15yrs old, has yet to be mature enuf!
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
u address ppl as a bitch, r u a human o bitch? ppl also got parent to born them!
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
mad fellow
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
i hate to chat vf those stil in childish thinking!!!!!
vivienne ★
15 years ago
yeah. adult. make no difference. adults do whatever you want. mature enough to argue with a kid.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
this is not call argue
vivienne ★
15 years ago
i bet your mind state is as the same as mine since you're that angry.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
this is teach u how to be a gd gal
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
u r not guy
vivienne ★
15 years ago
im already a good person.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
upon awesome k.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
in plurk we do not say such thing..ppl wil misunderstand if u r using this word
vivienne ★
15 years ago
well when we're not trying to talk to you anyways, you just come and voice up on behalf of this bitch here.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
you do not know hw fucking bitchy she is darling.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
hey, who is she that u r mentioned?
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
u r trying to confused me?
vivienne ★
15 years ago
this blue_heart fellow here la. you thought im talking about steph isit.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
i dono, why u so hate BLUE?
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
she is ur fren in real life?
vivienne ★
15 years ago
you dont know anything and why do you voice out.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
you're just being busy body not nice you see.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
not busy body
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
in plurk we all can talk together as a fren
vivienne ★
15 years ago
while i got your concept of being NICE. you're just a nice person you see.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
not come here to insult ppl
vivienne ★
15 years ago
but so sorry, we'll just get to our job by intimidate the shit out of her.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
ok, i won bother it from now on, as im also 21...argue to fren is a bad thing
vivienne ★
15 years ago
i do have a life. im not a lifeless person. you thought what. i go on plurk and fuck everyone else here isit ?!
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
well, jus forget bout the passed
vivienne ★
15 years ago
being 16 this year is also mature enough to think k, dont think that only 21 is mature.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
past is past. now is now. whatever. goodnight bb ♥
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
u too
vivienne ★ will
15 years ago
tell you what the fuck is happening when i get the chance.
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
*あゃ* Jolyn says
15 years ago
sweet dream...it's late now
... says
15 years ago
princess:sry,i dun noe this will happen
... says
15 years ago
princess:i m very sry out tis
PAUZ says
15 years ago
EWWW, eh princess bitch, who the fuck you think you are? why the fuck you nosing in our business.
PAUZ says
15 years ago
you think you're all that awesome with your english it it =.=
PAUZ says
15 years ago
lame fucl.
PAUZ says
15 years ago
PAUZ says
15 years ago
please mind your own business.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
thats why. she butted in and scolding the shit out of me. she thought shes fucking old and will gain respect from the young
vivienne ★
15 years ago
thats so not true baby, not true.
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
and why the fuck is that bitch saying sorry to her? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MAKE SENSE.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
because shes desperate for friends la what else
vivienne ★
15 years ago
she fucking knows what will happen la.
vivienne ★
15 years ago
woi pukimak, delete this plurk la that clever
lingyean says
15 years ago
noooo she dont delete plurks. it gains her karma rmb? she'll only delete responses
PAUZ says
15 years ago
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
no difference right? it will STILL decrease her karma.
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
i dont think she knows what the fuck is happening lohh, LOOK AT HER FACE.
PAUZ says
15 years ago
lingyean says
15 years ago
she has got no guts to answer
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
yeap. don't dare to answer lahh
15 years ago
omgggggg. her english damn fucking power i swear.i bet she got like kabajillion A's for her SPM
15 years ago
i never knew ppl could speaking so the terrel english lah wei
15 years ago
and PS, Miss Princess slut, just cause you
15 years ago
you're 21 doesnt make you that "mature" and from what i read, you're the one butting in your fucking loose hole in.
15 years ago
and please, if you were that matured, go get someone your own age and bullshit. since you're calling us "childish" :-)
15 years ago
please dont mess with people you dont know about. cause you dont know what you'll end up with :-)
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
vivienne ★
15 years ago
rachoo says
15 years ago
nice one samm
§tephanie ◆ says
15 years ago
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