I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
latest #29
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
I... did not realize I would have this much fun with the texting meme
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
I didn't think about TPing the Creator's house until later lol. That wouldn't have gone well
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
but really I should be tagging in to things instead of shitting around on texting meme lol. Hopefully tomorrow?
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
I have a whole notepad with tfln that I might send to random people though. unless they just fit too well.
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
Should I go to sleep?
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
zigzag123: Sorrynotsorry!
1 years ago
Do you have a log for event stuff?
on hiatus
1 years ago
on hiatus
1 years ago
They're SUCH gremlins
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
aceoftherebellion: no, I can try to get one up though. Unless you already have one?
1 years ago
If you meant me, then no I don't have a log up yet.
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
yeah, 'cuz you asked lol. Did I @ the wrong person?
1 years ago
My username here is quentinbeck
1 years ago
I can do a log if you prefer, otherwise if you can put one up, that['d be great! :-D
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
ooh oops
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
I wonder why I picked that person?
1 years ago
No idea? XD Anyway, link me if you put up a log or let me know if you want me to do it.
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
I won't get to it until at least Monday if you want something sooner, you can lol.
1 years ago
No worries. I've been half asleep with insomnia the last few days anyway. So I can wait. <3
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
same. but only 'cuz my brain or body try to kill me every time I sleep lately. Central and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
1 years ago
Gundam Ace
1 years ago
LOL hi
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
Sorry! Ilu!
1 years ago
I think I'll put up an open log and you can throw a starter in there, unless I get to it first.
1 years ago
here! MadrinaBastet And no hurry. /hugs
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
oh! thank you!
1 years ago
MadrinaBastet: And OK I did a starter if that works for you
I şĥĩp ĩţ
1 years ago
thank you so much!
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