Finally actually going to buy the new PC I was going to get a year ago before I got the bombshell of my roommate moving out way earlier than planned and had to save my cash for real life instead
Idk anything about this brand but a lot of their machines seem to have decent kits
u lookin for a lappy or a desktop
at this point I think a desktop bc I want windows 10 and a lot of laptops are 11
found a few last night with bill
Are you a human? read a few places that the fans on this one are loud and also sometimes it still runs a little hot, so that might be an issue
idk whats with that are you human part
Are you a human? this one is VR ready which is rad. I dont super need the dock, though, and its a touch over what Id prefer to spend
and then this one is the velztorm one which reads like it should be better than the acer and is a better price but idk about them
Are you a human?
It's because they probably get link overflow
open to other recos, though
idk what link overflow is
im gonna kidnap u and take u to microcenter
for that final link, you can get the same stuff for 600 bucks less
and for 250 bucks they will put it together for you :V
I like microcenter but idk where one is lol
One in Villanova, about halfway between you and me on 476
I got all the bit for my current computer there
I you wanna buy piecemeal there, I can put it together for you, save you $250
might all depend on timing
hoping to get it all set up asap
they only have windows 11 there
windows 11 is fine i wouldnt worry too much about it
if its a real dealbreaker it can be acquired
ive heard literally nothing positive about it
the secret about operating systems is that no one has ever been happy with a new one when it comes out
I feel like 10 was pretty well received?
Here's the cycle of Windows OS releases
Everyone gets an OS exactly how they like it and figures out how to use every inch of it
Windows says they're going to release another one
It releases, people complain more and talk about how great the previous one was.
Windows sunsets the one people like for the one people complaining about it
People get used to it and stop complaining
The last universally liked OS was XP
Maybe 7 after that because 7 was followed by the massively abysmal 8
idk, I had no qualms switching to 10
anyway is there a windows serial number on your laptop? if there is windows is free
its free without it but more complicated