1 years ago
[PET SUPPORT IN CT] "Do you all know anyone near Avon CT who would be willing (ideally, excited) to take in a 14-year-old cat? My friend lost her brother recently and is trying to find his cat a forever home. He's temporarily with friends of her brother's but they don't really have the resources to keep him."
latest #25
1 years ago
If you're able or interested, let me know and I'll get you in touch with the folks involved.
1 years ago
Thanks again, DWRP buckaroos.
1 years ago
can really only replurk, but will do that gladly
bread singalong
1 years ago
oh man I am literally in the town right next to it
bread singalong
1 years ago
do you know any more information on the cat?
bread singalong
1 years ago
I couldn't take it in but my parents might
♰ Javert ♰
1 years ago
bread singalong
1 years ago
LOL no, they have a million excuses as to why they can't take in a cat but I know they need one. if this happens to be the perfect cat for them, I will bring it up to them
1 years ago
carbonate: I will see what I can get!
1 years ago
My friend that's having the situation is on the West Coast, so it'll be a bit of time before I can get the info, but thank you! (Whether or not it works out, thank you. <3 )
bread singalong
1 years ago
thank you!
Best of luck, and I’m sorry for your friend’s loss.
none are super nearby (it'd be an hour or two) but my stepmother's entire family of animal lovers are in connecticut if there's a listing or public post i could send them?
1 years ago
It's currently being navigated through friends of friends, but if a public listing comes up, I can let you know?
sure o7
1 years ago
carbonate: I will pplurk you a Discord name to chat with!
1 years ago
I thought this was Avon colorado for a moment
bread singalong
1 years ago
cuddlebug it's unlikely my parents will end up taking this cat so I would encourage you to pursue it for your stepmother if you want to
she and my father are actually no longer in the area, but her parents and siblings all are and somebody among them might be able to adopt a cat. i'd just need a lot more info to pass along.
1 years ago
Where is the cat at? I'm in I'm at louis and know a few local people who might be interested
1 years ago
CinnaXaris: I can pplurk you the email of the person organizing this, if that's okay?
bread singalong
1 years ago
so unfortunately my parents can't take the cat but I did refer them to my mom's friend, who has a nonprofit caring for sick/elderly cats
bread singalong
1 years ago
I hope that all works out for this kitty!
1 years ago
carbonate: Thank you!
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