Husband back in ED, heading down there as soon as I am off duty. It's the not knowing that sucks.
latest #26
None. Tested him for strep. flu and Covid, and just took blood to test for Lyme. Dizziness, intense body ache, fever, extreme light sensitivity/eye and head pain. gah.
I know this might seem extreme but have they checked him for meningitis?
light sensitivity and head pain? I would ask about meningitis
I hope they get you some answers!!! And that he feels better soon!!!
Please keep us in the loop with any new info!
/offering so many huge hugs to you both/
OK. am back. After numerous immediate care and ED visits, we know this.
it's Not Lyme. its very likely adult foot and mouth disease (which is a really sucky disease to get. just so you know)
But there is something weird about Bears blood work that I am trying hard not to keep googling.
He has ANOTHER appt tomorrow, with his pcp.
Poor Bear
Hugs for both of you
Something about high abs low granulation. It could be just an infection- he does have an infection on his finger (his middle finger actually)
But neither one of us have had 'that ' result as part of a blood test. Not to the point where it's mentioned?
high abs low granulation, low mvp. So back to the docs tomorrow for us.
Fingers crossed it's nothing serious
yiiiiikes. I hope everyone ends up okay!
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