1 years ago
Literal years ago, I got softblocked by a mutual on secret twitter who I'd met in fandom and been in the process of getting to know better -- I can't remember the deets, but basically they were hardline about "problematic" shipping and I was gently but firmly like "I prefer to just leave people alone"
Only plurker's friends can respond
1 years ago
At the time I was bummed about it!!! I haven't had something like that happen very many times, and it sucked to be summarily cut off that way by someone I'd considered a friend.
1 years ago
But just now I was off scheming in my little corner of crimes, and I remembered this person, and I was like "....oh my god GOOD RIDDANCE, they are exactly the kind of person who'd cancel me on main for having impure thoughts about alex quackity"
1 years ago
.......... I don't know if I've made good choices but I sure have made a lot of them
1 years ago
U aint need promble-shamers in your life!!! 😤
1 years ago
nakbags: BEGONE!!!! 🙏