Cami Mahovlich
1 years ago
I am sorry, but the Cosmopolitan event is ridiculous with the blogger requirements. It averages to six posts a month with 20 items a month. I applaud any blogger who could manage this AND do anything else during the month.
latest #7
Gogo ♔
1 years ago
like i was saying on twitter... there are now more events looking for bloggers than bloggers willing to commit
Cami Mahovlich
1 years ago
gogolita: because any good blogger knows those requirements are way more than anyone could handle without stress
Cami Mahovlich
1 years ago
I had another event once ask me to blog for them, they wanted four posts a month with I forget how many items. I told them no and that their requirements were ridiculous lol. They offered to let me blog for only two posts a month, I said no.
Gogo ♔
1 years ago
u cant blog from the heart and be bound to all these requirements
Cami Mahovlich
1 years ago
gogolita: exactly, he kills all real creativity
It made me feel like I was always behind and failing which was not a positive feeling - and I did try to be creative
Cami Mahovlich
1 years ago
Halfwraith: I completely understand that feeling.I have felt that way with different stores I've blogged and then I (after thinking about it for a long time) choose to leave because I feel its better in the long run.
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