1 years ago
To those who say cats don't care....bullpuckies!! Scooter won't go far from me and right now is on my right and pressed up against my arm as I type. He's such a traumatized kitty with abandonment issues. Mike told me that Scooter let him know very loudly how he felt about my 3 day "away" and while he was given a rather large bowl of crunchies each night
latest #6
1 years ago
Mike texted me that the bowl was empty each evening and he thought Scooter might have been "eating his feelings". I had to laugh son the shrink. (He went each night to do feeding and pettings)
1 years ago
aww, poor Scooter
1 years ago
ZsaZsaZ: :-D poor Scooter?? LOOOOL I'm being guilted into feeling sorry I went away!!!
1 years ago
Some cats definitely bond with their humans :-)
1 years ago
Cats love their hooman subjects! My little purrball, Osiris, patted my face with his paws when we had to put him to sleep.
1 years ago
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