1 years ago
[job hunting] I found four things that I'm going to apply to tomorrow morning.
latest #10
1 years ago
I'm hoping that something good happens, because I'm feeling extremely unemployable at the moment.
1 years ago
I know I look crappy on paper.
1 years ago
I know that I'm not 'doing' my resume right, but I just... I don't have that kind of energy.
1 years ago
Yes, my resume is like... three pages long. Yes, that probably means a lot of people just don't look or care.
1 years ago
I just.... you're supposed to show how what you've done is applicable to what you're applying for, and my job titles are not typical
1 years ago
Nothing that I've had as a job has a 'typical' job title. So much so that a staffing agency once tried to tell me to change my Committee Clerk job title.
1 years ago
Dude, That job title is in state statute.
1 years ago
End rant. I'll go back to feeling somemwhat useless now.
Flash Bastard
1 years ago
You are not useless, you are a week or more off your meds.
1 years ago
Still. This is what I was afraid of with quitting. That it would take forever to find something. It's stupid because everyone who knows me is like 'you'd be great at all these things' and I'm just like 'why the fuck can't anyone who's hiring see that'
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