Renee Harvy
1 years ago
I've had a mild headache on and off for a week. And congestion. But no other sign of illness (and two negative covid tests). I'm on singular and and OTC allergy med and it's been years since I had any allergy symptoms. Is that what's going on? Is this allergy season that bad?
latest #10
Renee Harvy
1 years ago
I used to have asthma, and really serious wheezing around allergy season, plus all the eye itches and stuffiness and runny nose stuff, but those two meds together kept it at bay forever now.
1 years ago
ReneeF I'm suffering big time. I have same thing going on. It's been a week and a day. Not covid, etc. Feels like allergies, but I also have not had serious issues for a long time. Yesterday it felt like I had glass along my eyelashes. too fucking weird.
Renee Harvy
1 years ago
thanks. I was starting to worry if it was more than allergies (although nothing alarming comes up when you search those kinds of symptoms). But if you are feeling the same for the same period of time, I guess it's stuff going nuts out there.
1 years ago
It's the only explanation. I actually feel fine otherwise! I am just wondering what it could be that's triggering it. Pollen I guess.
1 years ago
Tree pollen is insane here right now.
1 years ago
Renee Harvy
1 years ago
ChefKarl: thanks. I guess living in the "city of trees" is asking for it. Although they dropped that moniker for "farm to fork" a few years ago.
Renee Harvy
1 years ago
it just surprises me how little I've suffered for a really long time (since getting the right combo of claritin and singular) and now suddenly it's so bad.
Renee Harvy
1 years ago
headache was basically gone this morning, but back after I had to go downtown to take mom to an appointment.
1 years ago
ReneeF: With all this rain the trees got a good dose of water, so it signals time to propagate, and they are.
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