Zilla Fieri
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
I don't understand how people actually use Twitter. Searching for the things you want to search is near impossible and it forcibly pings you about conversations happening across the country that may or may not be in the same zip code as your interests
latest #35
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
slight typo correction to toplevel, but
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
I don't get it
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
It feels like high school. Unless you're already part of some clique, you hear about everything that happens whether or not you want to. And even then, you might hear about it anyway
1 years ago
you're only there for either porn or because you're a masochist or both
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
maybe this is the part where I shake my cane at the internet. I'm only using it for the porn, so--
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
yeah that
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
Tho I'm convinced every Twitter artist is some form of masochist because I don't know how the fuck they're supposed to make a business on this social media platform without advertising it on other social media platforms
1 years ago
like sadly it's the only place where a lot of artists outside the us hang and for the life of me I wish they had someplace else like I beg
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
I think I'd rather learn Japanese and use Pixiv before trying to thrive on twitter
1 years ago
there's just so many more intuitive options to make a gallery like
Old Wolf Winter
1 years ago
I have entirely stopped using twitter even to browse for porn
Old Wolf Winter
1 years ago
basically waiting until everyone shuffles off to itaku
https://imgs.plurk.com/QzO/LbM/2rIlmc03DLhkFpWt1FbwIwgEBa5_lg.jpg I hate it there
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
This just makes me think of that scene from Shrek 2 where one Starbucks gets destroyed and the people run out to the Starbucks across the street
🐅 its harry
1 years ago
i just follow a bunch of my friends and only view it through tweetdeck lmfao
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
so you have to slowly groom it towards your interests through repeated negative reinforcement
🐅 its harry
1 years ago
nah i dont have to block anything w tweetdeck
🐅 its harry
1 years ago
it just shows me what ive followed in chronological order across multiple columns for diff accounts
🐅 its harry
1 years ago
and ive got retweets turned off for the entire tl on main lol
Zilla Fieri
1 years ago
Oh that sounds much less tedious
🐅 its harry
1 years ago
or like im pretty sure i dont have to... i do have all the like tweet suggestion keywords muted on my main account but i didnt bother doing it on my side ones and i dont get that stuff on tweetdeck from them
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