🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
[emergency fund] [replurk!] links to store/donation here, info belowRui-rui Shop | Redbubblehttps://images.plurk.com/2k7eKvz6Co3evUXO8ag4Y6.pngPay Christina Edmunds using PayPal.Mewe been through some SHIT lemme tell you
latest #118
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
so I've been supporting aerynaeacus for several years now! they are my sweetheart, disabled, and have just had a hell of a life which is not my place to divulge but ofc they are welcome to if they feel up for it, but the jist of it is they've had to deal with several disabilities which, as you can imagine, makes getting income hell
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
we'd been doing well for a good while! up until my job laid me off in october, bc they kept placing me in non-coding roles in a "computer science" firm (used loosely now that I know better) and then when I was like, no, I want a coding role, all the projects were like, lol well you don't have experience. GEE WONDER WHY
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
fast forward to today and we're living with our other lovely EternalLie. the idea is to get a place between us so we can split rent and bills and whatnot. except lmao bc of this economy despite me applying for literal MONTHS I have not been able to get another job. (currently working on unemployment which got delayed again)
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
so rn i'm basically doing projects to buff up my portfolio and we've been living in airbnbs for awhile now. let me tell you, it has been a ride, ESPECIALLY this last place. broken dryer since we got here, AC/heating issues, pests including house centipedes and mice lmao... the kicker is this person is listed as a "super host" so rip us ig
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
all of us have disabilities so you can imagine how that would make things so much harder, and we've been hanging in there but it's been rough, fam. we're doing everything we can to ensure we don't end up on the streets but we're getting down to the wire, here
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
so, if you have anything at all to spare, please hit up one of the links above. if you like my art, feel free to purchase! obviously i only get a percentage of what's bought, so if you'd rather all the money go straight to me the venmo or paypal links will be sufficient.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
and if you can't spare anything, a replurk, sharing this with others, etc. would be absolutely wonderful. it's a rough time but I'm genuinely grateful to have both aerynaeacus and EternalLie in my life and I know we'll get through it.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
thank you so much
on hiatus
1 years ago
1 years ago
!! I didn't realize you were having this much trouble! lskdjf I'm yeeting some funds at you right now omg.
1 years ago
Hey old friend, it’ll take a few days to see what my financial situation will look like, but I’ll toss you what I can after the 16th
1 years ago
I hope things get better for you
1 years ago
1 years ago
I can send something along once I get home, for sure!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
AAHHHHH bless you all!!!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
Amabree: SLDIGHJLDSG i don't feel like it's my place to say cry!!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
dubbins: duuuuubs! ;o; i'm so surprised to see you, hiiiii. tysm you're a dear
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
and ty shayna!!
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Pup has a pricy vet appointment on the 16th, but once I know what I’m dealing with in regards to her health then I’ll see what I can offer.
1 years ago
It’s good to see you too hun! I wish it was under better circumstances though, I’m rooting for you guys!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
same u_u hopefully job situation sorts itself out soon buh
One Winged
1 years ago
I hope you're able to find something soon!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
same!!! the job application process is so convoluted sob
I get paid tonight and have many bills but once I portion out some finances I'm gonna send you at least a lil bit
1 years ago
I've always been willing to hear you out about anything, especially with stuff like this. But next time if you feel like you're drowning and need help, poke me on discord or something.
1 years ago
Also sorry for delay in response, had to go do barn things real quick. sljf
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
you all are wonderful ;_; tysm
1 years ago
Aaand sent!
1 years ago
Might not show until tomorrow, though.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
;u; ty ty
1 years ago
Luv you miss you hope that helps!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
WEH... tysm!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
omg i just finally checked my e-mail AKJFHDJKSGHSD Y'ALL ARE WAY TOO GENEROUS WHAT THE HECK
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
;_\_\_; thamk u....................
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
oops my escape characters didn't work how i thought they would
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
ty all for the replurks as well <333
on hiatus
1 years ago
me seeing that as a blushing and crying face
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Oh jeeze...I knew there was rough stuff going on, but Azrael never mentioned the Airbnb thing :x
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
I'm in debt from some vet and dental stuff, but I'll consider what I can spare...
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
tbh that works too
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
and no fkgvfhg please!!! if you're already in debt keep it for yourself friend ;o;
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
It's not urgent debt! It's just 'I have to look at my credit card balance when considering my monthly budget'.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
;_; only if you want them! ty all for your generosity, donations, kind words and replurks
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
I've also pointed the little brother unit toward this, since he's had much fewer expenses than I have and thus has more of a disposable income.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
ty all again for likes/replurks/donations
1 years ago
Morning bump!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
bump, need to toss my dA too when I remember
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
1 years ago
Morning bump again o7
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
Tysm to the wonderful person who purchased from my shop ;u; ♥
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
here is the deviantArt i was mentioning before!Rui-rui User Profile | DeviantArt
1 years ago
Devour Muffin
1 years ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
[UPDATE] we've got some better live mouse traps so hopefully we will catch this sucker but it hasn't even come out for peanut butter yet, shockingly. also, the co-host who had been off a week came by to our place and was basically pizza guy (gal)\
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
but she apologized, said she'd work with the owner about us getting monetary compensation, and she got us a new dryer/washer today
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
which seem to be functional! mostly? i say hesitantly bc i used the same dryer/washer in the other apt unit while we were waiting and the washer here seems like the noises it makes are more... sloshy at the beginning than they should be
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
but it worked for my slippers and it doesn't seem like it's leaking so, tentatively hoping all is well!
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Good for some improvement, at least!
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Surprised peanut butter isn't working, though...
1 years ago
I'm glad things are getting a bit better at least!
1 years ago
I'll be heading to the vet soon for the pup, so I'll be able to get a better idea of how much I can give to help soon
1 years ago
/crosses fingers for!!
1 years ago
1 years ago
DOG IS HEALTHY-ISH (still got some things to pay but it's not cancer dollas) so once my next check clears on the 23rd I'll drop you guys something! Then hopefully a little more on my check after that
1 years ago
Glad it's not cancer dollas. No pet deserves to suffer through that.
1 years ago
Yeah, it's antibiotic/special food dollas, I just need my account to recover from the ultrasound a little (ate about half my last paycheck).
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Antibiotics suck, but beat surgery or worse.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
aaaa you all are wonderful and I do apologize for not being on top of this a bit more!

as far as job searching goes Ive found a very promising program that will help me land a job for a good salary that only requires payment once you're hired uvu already learned great stuff from it!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
dubbins: glad the doggo's doing better!!
1 years ago
Yay! \o/
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
'We only get paid if we do our job well' models are great.
1 years ago
I paid what I could, got hit with an old ER bill so it's not as much as I would have liked to give you guys, but I did take an odd commission so I forwarded what I got from that to your venmo too.
1 years ago
Wish you guys the best, you're good beans.
1 years ago
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Had to help someone else out of a life threatening situation, so unfortunately that destroyed my budget >.o
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
(She's fine now, but it involved last minute transportation, so Expensive.)
1 years ago
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
dubbins: you're too sweet ;_; thank you so much
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
We're doing a short move tomorrow and then fingers crossed for us having a permanent place starting in July
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
or rather the 31st
1 years ago
I think you mean in June
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
ruipressed: Best of luck you guys! If it’s alright I can add you as friends again? I can try to help in the future if you goes need a little (also send we both have the TWST bug)
1 years ago
(If not I totally get it, plurk lists get cluttered easily)
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
time is fake
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
dubbins: ty again sm (tho as a fair warning, I'm not on plurk too often these days) excellent to hear you've gotten into twst tho :>
1 years ago
Hey it’s all good, still a good lifeline if you need help again!
1 years ago
(TWST is very good. Once again we have the same taste in canon)
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
ty all for continuing to replurk, you're sweet ;_; we're hanging in there
1 years ago
Paycheck comes in tomorrow, so I can send a little more by the end of this week! o7
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
thank you thank you u_u can't tell you all enough how much this means.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
unfortunately, the apartment we applied for didn't go through, so we're figuring out next steps
1 years ago
Aaaand sent!
on hiatus
1 years ago
on hiatus
1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/6LFyPX8yb3B3HxsTzgQioG.jpg Morning update on our situation with hopefully some awesome changes coming!!
on hiatus
1 years ago
This wouldn't be possible without all of you
1 years ago
/crosses fingers foooor!
1 years ago
1 years ago
Best of luck you guys!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
yes ty all! sorry I didn't get back quicker ;v; ty aeacus for providing the update
on hiatus
1 years ago
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Congrats! Good luck settling in!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
So I've unfortunately got bad news.

Turns out we got scammed, and out of over a thousand dollars at that. We were really hoping this was somewhere we could stay, but that wasn't the case. So we'll be staying at a hotel for a bit longer while figuring things out.

We do have a loan in process so at least there's that!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
People can be such assholes and it really is infuriating to encounter irl.
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Oh jeeze...anything the bank can do?
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
We're looking into it, but unfortunately it isn't promising
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Ugh. Sending best of luck anyway, just in case.
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
Sorry it's been awhile since I updated, things were difficult especially mh-wise but have some promising news.

To start aerynaeacus got accepted for food stamps so that's an extra ~$400 a month!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
also, we are looking into moving into an apartment with two very chill people we ran into with Airbnb. which increases our options a lot and today I'll be reaching out to a few places
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
philly is pretty insane bc it asks for both deposit and last month's rent due at move in??? why. but at least we found an alternative to deposit so crossing fingers that one of the cheaper places work out!
1 years ago
/crosses fingers for!
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
annnd in less fortunate news my car needs about $600-$700 in repairs. TIMING
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
the mechanic told me the car is basically undriveable in this condition :'>
🐚 Rui 🐙
1 years ago
so! i think what i'm probably gonna do is bring the car back to my place (about a 5 min drive) and then see what i can manage to get for a loan. which won't be a lot, since my bad credit, buuuuut at least it'd be something
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Ugh...I think this is what they mean when they say 'when it rains, it pours'...
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