1 years ago
RP: can anyone rec some app friendly, lo ac games? And by app friendly, no psychological/philogophical discertaion about characterization epistles.
latest #13
Duplicity asks for bullet points, but it's ac is pretty average I think
it's the only game im in the first in a few years so i'm sure there's more
1 years ago
Ill check it out! Making no promises, tho. <3
I've been curious about Songerein but they're not opening apps again until June I think due to some huge event going on.
1 years ago
Dup is the only one I'm in.... and I just used my existing apps so /shruuuuuuug
1 years ago
once I got through a Damned app I was set for life LMFAO
omfg i remember
1 years ago
The only thing is that my current muses dont have apps like that, so no recycling here
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
1 years ago
I know. And the few who would have apps, those apps were on lj and have been purged
you might be able to hunt down apps on the pages of the games you played in, if you were inclined to look
1 years ago
oooh. that's an idea
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