1 years ago
Okay if there's one thing I find more irritating than mansplaining, it's dudesplaining.
latest #12
1 years ago
If dudesplaining wasn't a thing, it is now.
1 years ago
It's like mansplaining, you know it's a man trying to explain something to me that I already know and that I've known longer than he's probably been alive...but adding a condescending "dude" at the beginning.
1 years ago
I just want to grab the "dude" ball it up, and shove it down his throat until he chokes on it.
1 years ago
Just a "dude" before a mansplaining makes me want to choose an unreasonable amount of violence.
ghost king
1 years ago
Omg what was it about??
1 years ago
A video game, and you know how it be in video game land. Women don't know shit.
1 years ago
It was over an offhanded comment a friend of mine said about mini bosses in the third dungeon in A Link to the Past.
1 years ago
I responded with: you know why there's no miniboss, the Moon Pearl (dungon treasure) is the miniboss (friend managed to walk out of the dungeon without getting the most important and most difficult treasure in the game to be fair).
1 years ago
Then home comes out of left field with: Dude, you know ALttP doesn't have any minibosses in it right? Minibosses didn't become a thing in Zelda until LA?
1 years ago
It was so stupid but th condescending way he said it made me want to snap him in half.
1 years ago
Like yeah, I know. Do you know what a joke is?
1 years ago
This is where I see this alot, in video game land and it's why I don't do online interactive gaming because it's still such a sexist environment.
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