I started Lute on LJ back in 2008 goddamn his journal is still there
did make a dreamwidth version at one point
I can't believe it was that long ago
Look, the 1980s were not 40 years ago, either
I had a friend who was obsessed with it once upon a time! I still haven’t had the chance to read/see it XD
don't bother with the anime its garbage
the manga is bright and goofy as absolute fuck, but the anime is grimdark and emotionless
the absolute KING of
Well, I was in Jikan. No app, easy AC. But since they closed, I've kind of been in the cosmos
And the sandbox that was opened after? Lets just say the clique is cliquing too much for my liking.
Yeah, I don't have time for all that app in stuff.
hence why I app characters i already have a write up for
though let's be real.... i only have one muse...
boggles the mind, my brain is full of voices
There are technically a couple others in there, but they're so quiet it doesn't really matter.
yes I remember Delores and lan fan
Doris is my outlier hahaha
I can't type to save my life
I was starting to say they're all kind of the same voice in a weird way
like.... any muse I have has to have angst, be emotionally constipated and been forced to grow up too soon
mine are full up with trauma and tragedy
pfffff like.... Old Kenshin and All Might are practically the same voice, Lan Fan and Battousai are basically the same voice, Doris is Lan Fan but more verbal XD
Tomoe and Lan Fan are also kind of the same voice... just... Lan Fan will kick your ass while Tomoe will stare you down XD
........ this might be why I don't have more muses lmfao
this is also me with cooking "IT'S THE SAME DISH WITH DIFFERENT SPICES"
gale, pru, lute, and davesprite are all 'violent existence, body altered, ptsd riddled, tragic heroes' with very different voices
(lol this is me when anyone tries to show me a recipe and expects me to react because literally everything looks the same to me. 'it's chicken. the only difference is the cut and whether it's baked, fried or grilled and served with bread, potatoes, noodles or rice")
It still exists online whoooooo