Watching this late at night so nobody can see me ugly crying.
This has killed the Mew.
Just...the whole concept of "Being enough". And that You are Enough.
I am full of so many emotions.
And the Feelings aside, this is setting up so many dominos for the "Final Showdown" whenever and however that occurs.
Actually, I should say that it's setting up additional dominos because the starting dominos were already there.
Like, the Brother Gods have had extremely few fans since "The Lost Fable" and now, with learning their backstory, the Good and the Bad that they've caused, there's some really incredible set-up going on here.
And I've said before that the Cat was basically Salem Lite, and now knowing that the Brothers directly created the Cat too, there's definitely some parallels going on here.
Because it feels like, for all their Creativity and Knowledge, they still haven't learned the most important thing you can have.
Er...and also Responsibility but that's kind of a facet of Empathy (or vice-versa) but yeah, the Brothers are extremely powerful but now more than ever I think they're definitely being set up as Flawed and In the Wrong.
What they did to the Cat was cruel but perhaps unintentional. What they did to Salem was cruel, and they tried to pass it off as a Punishment. What they did to the first Humans was cruel and they tried to pass it off as Divine Judgement.
And if they insist on coming back and wiping out another entire set of Living Things, one that they've basically had no hand in and are basically just wiping out over some arbitrary "we don't deem you Worthy?". That's very cruel.
And the shot of RWBYs colors blending together as the Blacksmith talks about True Balance is just...yes.
Just aaaaaagh, so many feelings here.
Somewhat is too good for any world and while Jaune keeping Juniper would have been fantastic Mouse Knight on Jackalope Steed is amazing and I want an entire series about Somewhat and Juniper helping people in the Ever After.
Also I appreciate the confirmation that the Tree is basically Therapy.
Jaune accepting himself (and in so doing becoming himself again) works for me. I'm still not the biggest fan of the "Older Character gets their Youth back" Trope but this variation of it is by far my preferred version, especially if you ascribe to the theory that Time in the Ever After is a bit wibbly wobbly and dreamlike and that maybe Jaune wasn't
actually down there for full-on decades and his aging was more a by-product of him wanting to be a True Hero and/or the Knight in the book.
Anyway, the banana hair is back, now with added Maturity Streaks.
Jaune please grow your hair back out when you can, obviously it was doing something for Weiss so you know, Win/Win- /shot

This is just some straight-up Shojo/Shonen goodness.
God the music this volume was so good, I really really really need them to release it to a platform I can download it from, pleeeease.

I love these siblings so much.

I love
Team RWBY so much.
And I love watching them kick-ass together the most.
Love that they fixed Neo by making her smoke that dank weed- /bricked
A lot of the problems in RWBY could be fixed if everybody had access to Tree Therapy, I tell you that.
Speaking of people who need Therapy. HI RAVEN.
well I was, but that's back when I thought Raven getting them out of the Ever After was still a viable theory
Did...did everybody know Summer wasn't going on a mission for Oz except Tai?
Because like...Qrow said Summer's last mission wasn't Oz business in V7. Now we know Raven was literally helping her (and I assume portalled to Qrow in that flashback?)
But Tai was under the impression that it was Oz business (and Summer misled him with as much) so it's like...???
I love that STRQ are foils to RWBY though in every single way. Where STRQ let their flaws and short-comings basically destroy their trust in each other and themselves (in varying degrees), RWBY have trusted each other with their flaws and short-comings and become all the stronger for it because they Love and Accept each other as they are.
It's to the point that I'm legit fine if Summer is indeed Alive somewhere because then maybe STRQ can finally FIX THEIR SHIT. And then, like, help their kids, because you know, that'd be really great, please help your kids, yeah?
I'm wondering how long a Time Skip we might be working with here. My money is on...a few months? Maybe a full year at most. But I'd be super surprised if it's much longer than that, both because having Jaune go back to his regular age but then do the "Surprise we're older" reveal with Ren and Nora again would be...odd and also
because I don't think it'd take Salem that long to wreck everybody's shit?
Mercury and Tyrian were confirmed heading for Vacuo in V8 and given Salem was able to reach Atlas via Giant Whale over the course of a few months (or however long V7 is) that'd be my guess?
Anyway we'll see. This volume was absolutely a banger and I think I've finally found a volume that supplants V6 as my favorite. It's very close but this volume had the Bees Kiss was just really really amazing.
trash mom indeed. so trash her daughter disowned her
ArchVile To be fair, Trash Mom technically disowned
her first. Yang was just returning the favor.

Me pressing my face against the screen at these two
I'd probably not give too much time passing between Remnant and the Ever After - perhaps it's been long enough for Ren, Nora, Winter, etc. to presume that they died as heroes, but not yet long enough for actual years to pass
auste Yeah, I'd be
super surprised if we go beyond a year or so for the reasons I put above, but stranger things have happened in RWBY.
Still rooting for my theory of "Everybody thinks they died as heroes and they throw a big Celebration for them when they show up".
People want Neo to return after Teatime with the Tree but personally I'm cool with Neo just spending the rest of her arc finding a new purpose and maybe settling in the Ever After, since she has no reason to return to Remnant
Look, we technically got Atlas Ball, let me have Vacuo Ewok-style Feast.
Even her helping stomp the Cat was fueled by getting back at them for possessing her and everything, even if it was not for RWBY's sake Neo would absolutely still stomp the Cat
"Neo helped Ruby" No, not really.
Oh yeah, no they can bring Neo back in or not, I'm fine either way.
I'd LOVE to see a Vacuo feast, let these peeps chill out and have a party because the last time they had a party
ROFL yeah, that was not the Atlas Ball we wanted. 8'D
But oh yeah, I get what you mean re: rewinding Jaune's age only for everyone else in Remnant to have aged FORWARD
I wanna see the Bees being a gross couple feeding each other and dancing, give me this please- /shot
And yeah, I think that's the biggest reason I'd be surprised because they've already done that "Surprise the Person You Knew is Now Old" reveal with Jaune in this season.
The fact that I enjoyed this volume immensely despite the GLARING LACK OF NORA shows that they did an amazing job
I was too immersed to ask "WHERE'S NORA"
ROFL this. At least Nora's in the DC Crossover movie, I can get a dose of Nora from that.
But I really want Nora to be all, "TELL ME EVERYTHING" in V10.

Nora's going to tell Ren to pay up when she sees the Bees are a Couple now.
OKAY BUT I really want to see where Nora is on her character arc of finding herself, because it's a good place for RWBY (and Jaune) to tell her that whether or not she finds more of herself, she's also enough
Looking back, Weiss, Blake and Yang also realized in their arcs that they were enough
Blake's life and identity aren't complicated, she's enough. However Weiss will define herself is enough. Yang is enough even if she was broken along the way
(my money is still on Nora becoming a maiden tho)
Finding Yourself takes time and, more over, it's a journey you never truly finish because We're Ever-Changing and that's okay!!
(Nora would be such a kick-ass Maiden for real)
But You can be happy knowing that for now, You are Enough, and that whoever or whatever else you are, you'll know in time.
I'm gonna have feelings about V9 forever I can feel it.
Anyway here's a perfect Bean.
I can't believe Redwall and RWBY are the same verse- /SHOT
New Dream is Somewhat and Juniper making a reappearance in the Final Face-Off with the Brothers and/or if the Brothers are convinced to go back to Ever After to WORK ON THEMSELVES that Somewhat is like, "Well, hey there do you need help?".
For this amazing cycle of Ruby's kindness to Little lives on in Somewhat who will then help teach that Kindness to the Brothers and just LOVE AND KINDNESS IS SO POWERFUL GUYS.
Somebody on this animation team is a Furry tho, I'm 100% sure of it now- /shot
OH. One minor thing I am still curious about and that I'm wondering if it'll be revealed in a Q&A or later on or some other thing but.
How did Lewis and Alyx end up in the Ever After?
RWBYJN fell from a Relic-created nexus point, but I'd be super surprised if Lewis and Alyx somehow also asked the Relic of Creation to make them a dimensional nexus point and then fell off it.
So how did they get there?
In V8 Yang mentioned the Vaults are obviously not Remnant so perhaps they're actually other acres of the Ever After or connected to it somehow and you can fall into it from there.
Oscar talks about Alyx's book in V8 a bit too and he mentions Alyx was fleeing the consequences of a choice when she came to the Ever After so there could be some other kind of Magicks or hijinx involved.
I'd be super curious to see if CRWBY doesn't put out an actual novel version of The Girl Who Fell Through the World because honestly? I'd read it.
Alice in Wonderland is public domain so who cares.
And knowing now that in-canon it was Lewis who wrote about his and his sister's journey and what they experienced it'd be so nifty to see what it was RWBYJN were taking their references from.
And maybe it'd shed some light on how Alyx and Lewis got down there.
Also I am just the teensiest bit sad there was no post-credit teaser scene but idk if Crunchyroll even allows for those and the ad for the DC Crossover is totally understandable because I'm sure they'd like for that to do well.