1 years ago
Drive by Cyclic here to say I'm so fuckin proud of myself. This year has been immense. I'm interviewed in PC Gamer UK (page 14, May 2023), doing so many cool projects, including working with Sony on things. I worked so fucking hard for this, it's finally paying off.
latest #12
1 years ago
I'm still a massive fuckin autist, still got ADHD, still crippled with fibromyalgia half the time and I'm still with my chap (9 years holy fuck)
1 years ago
Consultancy in games is a fuckin rough rise, but things are changing and the industry is starting to go to actually disabled and neurodiverse people to get input on how to make games and the industry, better for everyone
1 years ago
I miss second life sometimes, and teaching - thankfully my time on SL has helped me get a step up in terms of helping to build a more accessible metaverse ☺️
Shiloh x Debbi
1 years ago
Congratulations on the interview, that’s amazing! So good to hear from you.
1 years ago
Congratulations, seriously. These are all fucking amazing things!
Natalie 🌈
1 years ago
So damn proud of you Hairy, it just shows how you can soar if you push to overcome the obstacles. Also, congrats on the 9 years... I remember when you both met... Go get ‘em Girl x
Boo 🐼
1 years ago
Well done on the interview, that’s really cool! Sounds like you’re doing great at what you do!
1 years ago
That’s amazing, congratulations!! Sounds like you are doing great!
1 years ago
Congratulations! Keep on rocking!
Yosser Hughes
1 years ago
You’re doing great things for women in the industry. I loved my time at Sony, good to see they are embracing change. I look forward to reading your interview
1 years ago
I am so so proud of you and humbled by your crazy commitment and work ethic, throughout all of your challenges and sick times. You never gave up. You are inspiring. <3
So proud of you! It’s incredible to see your growth over the years, and i know you’re gonna continue to do great things!
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