Tbh I rolled off Plurk for a bit for the regularly scheduled winter depression
Welcome back, glad to see you made it through, sunblock's on the left. /brick'd
A lot of my time has been leaving a job after a doctor told me my work was not good enough
I had a very good job lined up and the people who interviewed me were very much indicating I had the job
Which is why I left my job
And lmao they pulled the rug out from under me, thus me not having a job for nearly a month
I have a job now at a hospital and I work nights
I’ve done the job before so it hasn’t been too hard to learn
Of course during all this I’ve had two emergency procedures now on an abscess that is recurring
I have an appointment with general surgery tomorrow to determine what they want to do about it
Which has been really hard for me too
On top of not having a job for so long and trying to manage things, I’ve been trying to find a part time job
Because money is a very concerning thing for me right now
Of course, I’ve applied to a million places, like overnight stocking
Then I do our taxes and we owe 2k this year for marketplace insurance because we couldn’t afford paying 400+ a month for wife’s plan while we were waiting for her disability decision
Oh and I found out yesterday they are trying to garnish my wages for something from like 7 years ago which
Wife can’t work because she’s working on herself and her trauma
Which is important for her and I want her to do that
I just need like someone to pay my rent for two months so I can get shit together and figured out
But I have no one to ask and I’m trying to legit find a second job
I’ve just been depressed, stressed out and wanting something to give
I know I’ll figure it out but if anyone has any suggestions for part time work I’m all ears
I’m tired of being in this situation
Where I’m barely scraping by
They really do and I’m so tired of being on antibiotics
Oh man I’m so sorry, abscesses really do suck
Where it is located makes it hard to sit, but even more so to walk because my hip is in pain from it
But the antibiotics are worse
Ann, Skyler and I talked it out as a family