1 years ago
So far the advice to Flug's Advice post about relationship problems are to: Kick their ass (and wear some spikes), TALK like a NORMAL person, Duel them, Fight them, Stab them. I love this game lmao
latest #36
1 years ago
You. You get him, Ryslig. Never change lmao
1 years ago
Shout out again to poor Steven being the only sane reasonably normal answer for the average person.
1 years ago I got a whole day for tagging, so lets kick this thing off!
1 years ago
Flug-->Nanami There's something extra amusing about writing a moving log while you and your tagging partner are ALSO moving
1 years ago
Like yeah. Yeah we both can write this very realistically atm can't we? lol
1 years ago
Flug-->Marco Huh! I swear I posted this one because I liked my little tshirt line? ah well.
I'll make it up to ya, Naem. Sorry about that
1 years ago
Flug-->Richard these stream of consciousness network tags are so fun
1 years ago
asdhjas I love Kaito calling them old
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
old (derogatory)
1 years ago
wait till you hear about their age difference, buddy
1 years ago
Flug-->Afton I know I'm one of the very few active Villainous players around, but hey, sometimes you just wanna ICly reminisce about missing CR
1 years ago
Flug-->Bakugo Old tag is old, but this felt worth finishing my draft for
1 years ago
god I can really tell how brainfog made tagging for me impossible. I tried to say the exact same thing in like 5 paragraphs in my note app because I just couldn't finish a thought coherently
1 years ago
reading tags I wrote while sick vs healthy really is night and day askjd
Meow Knight
1 years ago
1 years ago
One day Steven will meet Flug on the street and probably won't know right away that it's both the Neph/ghost who scared him once and also the person with wacky relationship issues
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
flug contains multitudes
Meow Knight
1 years ago
Oh yeah, he definitely won't recognize Flug from that party, that was like... almost a year ago by now.
Meow Knight
1 years ago
And that's not even counting the different monster type.
1 years ago
right? I literally had to go look it back up just now asdkdh like that DID happen, right...?
1 years ago
Flug has literally never met Atem as the same monster twice either. Common Ryslig problems lol
Meow Knight
1 years ago
book of thot
1 years ago
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
at least Atem has the hair
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
it's easy to recognize him
Meow Knight
1 years ago
Except when he's in travel form, as Steven's already discovered.
The Sun Rises
1 years ago
true true
Meow Knight
1 years ago
He spent like five minutes talking to 'a hippo' once before finding out it was Atem.
1 years ago
asdgas yeah one never knows when the random animal they're chatting to is actually a monster. Doppio thought Flug was a real spider once becaue he accidentally shrunk himself.
1 years ago
his boss was a shapeshifting monster in a magical mansion back home; it's FINE if his friends just never look the same lmao
book of thot
1 years ago
sometimes the hair is snakes! but the snakes are the right color
book of thot
1 years ago
I wish more people had failed to recognize him two Julys ago when he shaved it all off and threw it in the vortex
1 years ago
haha aw yeah. Snake hair is SUCH a good aethetic choice though, yesss
1 years ago
Flug-->Michael It's easy to casually talk about the underworld when it long ago stopped being a concern he'll probably ever face
1 years ago
Flug-->Wrench It may not be jello pelting, but this is also a very entertaining way for these two to meet haha
1 years ago
AM-->Flug honesty events are so funny with Flug because it just gives way to so many kneejerk ego trips. it's like the insecurity always comes second in his mind
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