rlly good brain
1 years ago
| [V9-E9 Spoilers]
latest #172
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/c6ad3e78b75f45d93b0a0d5a16dca658/934d30acd811fd1a-b8/s1280x1920/ce824434653bb0501228f34c664295edf4d148f3.png https://64.media.tumblr.com/b7df261c9a4f85d6e0f85bf463f9083d/934d30acd811fd1a-0d/s1280x1920/cb4609e53136c861fb13d7858f290f0cff1ab8f1.png
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/bf92bf2cb0ed34fcdb37bb13cc851fd7/934d30acd811fd1a-6a/s1280x1920/c3a0b8232bdbf7c6c61acaa7970094cb35417d12.png Oh yeah and Summer was there too I guess- /shot
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Summer's so freaking pretty but we already knew that. However she also has a lovely melodious voice that we've been hearing since the trailers some of us guessed that but that's what we call "paying attention"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
New Out of Context shot to give your friends when they ask "What is RWBY?"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/3639cb190767671e6faad1a282dbef80/83d688025e0c2356-93/s640x960/1d00cce2b57a3b2da8890603b582cb2a0fc9d582.gifv I love that they're all different enough heights to do this legitimately.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Teeny Weiss up front, mid-height Blake in the middle and then Yang "I definitely took an extra titch of Grogurt Parfait" Xiao Long in the back.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Has anybody made a Crystal Gems joke with the Genial Gems yet?
rlly good brain
1 years ago
This fandom works fast I know somebody must have.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Anyway I love them and am happy for them, I love those funky little candy rocks.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Also wow was not expecting Jaune to get quite that candid but GOOD FOR HIM.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Him chasing the "rush" of being a hero and protecting something is such an incredible callback to his original V1 flaw.
rlly good brain
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Which like...that's the thing with flaws. You have to keep working on them. And trauma can induce old bad habits.
rlly good brain
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Jaune's intentions with the Paper Pleasers were completely noble. At first. It must have felt good to succeed (and easily succeed!) at protecting something because he felt like he'd failed Penny and felt like he'd really messed something up with Alyx and Lewis.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
But you know..."Too Much of A Good Thing".
rlly good brain
1 years ago
I saw somebody else mention a parallel to Ironwood, and I mentioned a parallel to Ozpin in my own plurk about Episode 7 and it's like, yep. If you're not actually listening to the people you say you're trying to protect, to the point where you might be actively causing them more harm, that's not being a hero.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Anyway, I have a lot of feelings about Jaune and I'm glad he got a very coveted Weiss hug.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And then a big ol' group hug. https://64.media.tumblr.com/c1bfc06fcd4c38aacf8ad685e3c62967/ac2c09e7d87b7954-24/s2048x3072/26fb1b78cc89b0ac5f7719e3a33c528c83363e7c.pnj
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Still rooting for him to keep Juniper though, like, please? Can he? As a treat? Let him have a giant rabbit steed in Remnant, it's fine.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And then this scene came and punched me in the face.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/25687dba77d9df595a61bb8782822595/dd06bb9bcbb590da-4a/s400x600/700f075548a5a902aab1725e5bceb567b7bc0201.jpg Shout-out to whoever it was on Tumblr that shared this image in response though, I laughed.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/9b99e5ab1bfe5def41c29c33f3b26ff4/b593f84f616ba9d8-b4/s1280x1920/5881f4a69d1d9c344cd658b7e056b65a59f6ced2.gifv https://64.media.tumblr.com/cc56d577f23e3fb71c0213ea5aa62012/b593f84f616ba9d8-c4/s1280x1920/ebb1851e785852a4969b218a1a924da94dc212ba.gifv https://64.media.tumblr.com/d885dc3e44eeaa78dd3040746d8dec6b/b593f84f616ba9d8-8f/s1280x1920/45a1b94881414f20f8739a7c0a594453fd170e38.gifv
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Er...not Yang being sad necessarily, and I always want more Bees but this is actually A Big Deal.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Not just somebody stepping up to comfort Yang (because her friends have done it) but Yang letting herself be comforted without fighting it or brushing it off.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Thinking back to Yang in V5 and looking at Yang now like YES. MY GIRL.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Also nice parallel to this moment: https://64.media.tumblr.com/821f03de1e52939542f3b6f862420330/47c766749fc348ac-75/s1280x1920/b7ae7625f399382cd4c7bc0979d38ed32b3d31d9.gifv
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And I really love the exchange between Yang and Blake of Yang being afraid that Ruby might not be the Ruby she knows/remembers and Blake gently reminding her that it's not up to them to decide that.
Yang letting herself be upset and accepting comfort
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Yang was Ruby's sister-mom. And it's hard to watch somebody grow up and change, even if that's what you genuinely did want for them.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
It's totally possible that Yang might have been a little afraid of that back in V4/V5 when she set out to catch up with Ruby. It wasn't just that Ruby could need help/be in danger (Qrow was there) but I feel like there could have been the worry that Ruby would have changed in a way Yang wasn't quite ready for.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And just...Change is scary in general. There's a lot of different metaphors you can attach to a storyline like this where two people have grown up together, love each other, but also ultimately have to come to terms with the people they've grown up (or want to grow up) into, but it's late so I'll just say kudos to CRWBY on this one.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
cosmonautdelta I am in pain but I'm so proud of her. 8'D
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/97b11ae2865cf250f87e5bc702938c68/8bf1c1c39427adc3-81/s400x600/3f37f8e064b3fdf3d056ff107855dcfb67364422.gifv https://64.media.tumblr.com/b432e7fcd9007cb6895a8bca816c1875/8bf1c1c39427adc3-61/s400x600/31c66f5d426efd42d69677bc3d518060a56bc91f.gifv
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Somebody on the CRWBY animation team is whatever the Furry equivalent is for bugs and honestly? Respect.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Lookit those leggies.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
This guy's design is just so all around cool. I'm gonna miss him.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/e61f76fb654270cbf6933a234207c8f1/2e00dad235bbf730-7e/s2048x3072/d232e9260402172715640423b051b6abdb568bf7.pnj ...Not sure I'll miss you.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Okay, but real talk, Neo with the Cat's body language is kind of great-? /shot
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/0447ac660bb28adf955057aa4c1c9b49/cf8b3a035e1cd34e-2a/s2048x3072/c94c1f7adcc353cd86192a3fdab462bd3da4ce93.png https://64.media.tumblr.com/64f808b724eabfdff2ba6e01a53699e8/cf8b3a035e1cd34e-99/s2048x3072/3730510718e18dae938a1b093e25cb7f578a8720.png
Weiss sassing villains gives me so much Life.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Like "awwww yor wittle pwan didn't work? let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/a03a88d3f3099623202ae4c1fac117cc/c19a9e35b401b781-cf/s1280x1920/9cd968da33cde3c440c845e48306cec2e81f4779.pnj https://64.media.tumblr.com/cb3b571c47530c42c7b30c9598e23a3a/c19a9e35b401b781-e3/s1280x1920/a6cb21577642a3bee4fd84be782daee26d0cc3bb.pnj https://64.media.tumblr.com/f38900846fc007774ba45dc42b48188e/c19a9e35b401b781-19/s1280x1920/295d2c0f83fa474d1d31ae923b6d95e6d1eb3b12.pnj
rlly good brain
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/d068878def1e7849aae0e6e8a6b5ab79/c19a9e35b401b781-50/s1280x1920/50032a9725b61a97b4f783f1a27c21745422c848.pnj https://64.media.tumblr.com/b2a6454a23227d53ace55390685921e9/c19a9e35b401b781-8f/s1280x1920/a33f02fafeb9bb03a4b889175b84cb8da4959769.pnj
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Like I've always felt that if there was one thing Yang would hate more than her friends being hurt because of her, it'd be some asshole villain thinking he could hurt her with illusions/fakes of them.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Just like, "How. Dare You."
rlly good brain
1 years ago
You think you can use the appearances of the people I love against me? Disrespect them like that??
rlly good brain
1 years ago
I'll effing kill you.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Like obviously Yang's not happy about this, but her decking the fake Rubys in the face was obviously not the reaction the Cat wanted.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
I knew a Penny illusion would make Jaune pause though, that was mean.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
With an added Pyrrha illusion to boot.
I loooove that "confronting the heroes with a fake image of their loved ones" is something that has always resulted in a horrified pause, even in this very episode... until Yang said No Fuck You I Will Not Do That
rlly good brain
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
cosmonautdelta YES. Yang Xiao Long out here like "You have personally insulted my friends and me by using their likenesses without their permission, I'm going to C&D your ass into the ground."
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And on a humblebrag tangent, I am about...75% sure I've had her encounter something very similar in a jamjar with the exact same reaction so I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back /bricked
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Weiss Schnee Try Not to Set Something On Fire Challenge: ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Weiss has been wanting to set something on fire all season, I'm sure. Her aim continues to be about a 50/50 though.
auste ★
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
It's fine. Jaune's probably fine.
auste ★
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Entire RWBY fandom just like https://64.media.tumblr.com/37c0470751936af7cbb1e382736fb48a/3c49872fb597a74b-93/s1280x1920/dfc6518942a05c0f395e985b94142828330a93f6.gifv
auste ★
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Lots of great set-up though and the finales are usually long-ish anyway, so unless Episode 10 is like...also 15 minutes I'm not worried.
auste ★
1 years ago
But since Summer IS in fact gonna figure heavily into this part of Ruby's character arc, I hope it becomes a case of "it's okay to continue to see Summer as a hero but Summer was also a very flawed hero who made mistakes"
episode 10 is 20+ minutes not including opening credits!
100% agreed, I hope it's "Summer was flawed and also felt depressed sometimes and isn't the perfect vision of a hero, so Ruby has to come to terms with that and accept her own doubts and fears" (and I also hope that Summer's advice is "let your team help you")
rlly good brain
1 years ago
cosmonautdelta Oh dang did they announce the time length already?
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And yes if that's what Summer's involvement is going to be in this, I want it to be that.
eddy rivas said it on twitter!
rlly good brain
1 years ago
cosmonautdelta fjkdsdjsk bless you Eddy. You have done this fandom a kindness.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
But yea, Yang kinda...tried to get this across to Ruby in V8 but I don't think it quite sunk in and to be fair things really went pear-shaped not long after she said it.
auste ★
1 years ago
I hate to say it but Ruby was not yet broken enough in V8 to be receptive to that
auste ★
1 years ago
Or at least that's what I think
rlly good brain
1 years ago
There's a RWBY comic where Qrow mentions to Ruby that Summer struggled with Not Knowing Who She Was Unless She Was Helping Other People. And while the RWBY comics are tenuous canon, I'm pretty sure that character trait was put into play for a reason.
auste ★
1 years ago
Yeah, I really hope we also find out that Summer has gone through what Ruby is going through
rlly good brain
1 years ago
auste Rofl, that and Penny went into full-on Virus mode like...2 seconds after Yang said that and hugged Ruby so like...to be fair, idk if I'd remember any Good Advice I got in a situation like that either.
auste ★
1 years ago
...no, no, you have a point.
auste ★
1 years ago
Ruby has been non-stop since V4 so there really was no time to sit down and process this sort of stuff.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
This. Omigosh.
auste ★
1 years ago
I've probably complained about how Ruby didn't have time to process everything that happened to Penny, then Pyrrha, etc., and it's actually good to know that CRWBY was like "yeah, we know, so Ruby's gonna blow up later on when the burden is too much"
auste ★
1 years ago
Or maybe I didn't, but others have
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And like literally everything Ruby was describing as she was talking with the Blacksmith it's like,
"Thaaaaat's Depression."
"That's also Depression"
"Yep. Depression'll do that."
rlly good brain
1 years ago
DKDJSK YEAH. I saw somebody make a post on...either Twitter or Tumblr, can't remember which and they were like, "I can't believe CRWBY created this adorable 15 year old and then thought, Lol what if she kills herself?" And it's like No. Dummies.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
They created this adorable 15 year old girl, saw the hell she was going to go through because of the odds stacked against her and went, "How do we help her?"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And this ties into something else I've been thinking about which is like, Salem is not going to play fair.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Neo got a power boost while in the Ever After (I'm assuming in part because she literally has no attachments to Remnant so the Ever After has just...accepted her) and she doesn't play fair either but literally all the things she can do are Child's Play to a villain like Salem.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
All the punches Neo threw, Salem can throw just as many and 1000 times as hard.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
So our heroes need to be able to withstand that.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
They need to be able to look Salem in the face and go, "You can't hurt me. Because I've already been hurt like that and I overcame it."
rlly good brain
1 years ago
...They also really need to flip the Brother Gods off but one step at a time.
auste ★
1 years ago
Yeah, this episode confirmed that Neo did indeed have nothing to return to in Remnant
auste ★
1 years ago
We always knew it was a case of revenge leaving Neo empty and we were CORRECT
auste ★
1 years ago
"but what about getting revenge on Cinder" NO, NEO PROBABLY ALREADY KNEW IT'D BE THE SAME THING - she won't get Roman back, she won't undo what Cinder already did to her
rlly good brain
1 years ago
auste Rofl, Neo knows she can't beat Cinder in a fair fight and even if she did somehow manage to stab her in the butt while her back was turned the result is literally the same as when she "killed" Ruby.
auste ★
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Roman's still dead, her life still sucks, this is why Revenge is a terrible life motive and she really should have taken up a hobby or something instead.
auste ★
1 years ago
Ice cream.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Like crochet. I feel like she'd be good at crochet.
auste ★
1 years ago
auste ★
1 years ago
When she gets mad she stabs her doily
rlly good brain
1 years ago
fjkdsk Neo takes up felting.
auste ★
1 years ago
100/10 Cinder deserves to be stabbed in the butt, this is how I want her to die
auste ★
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Everybody like, "Yeeeeah, I'm not touching those powers anymore."
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Cinder's in so much trouble come V10/whenever the heck Salem sees Ruby in play again.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Because she just freaking lied right to Salem's face and I can't wait for that hubris to be Greek Mythology'd on.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
She honestly better hope somebody in RWBYJNPR ends her first.
Freakin Bat
1 years ago
auste ★
1 years ago
auste ★
1 years ago
Because whoever does it IS gonna get some bonus fall maiden powers
auste ★
1 years ago
We already know RWBY won't become the maidens
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Honestly, my money's on Emerald.
auste ★
1 years ago
I wanted it to be Neo stabbing Cinder in the back but with where Neo is now, I'm okay with her going out like this
auste ★
1 years ago
She's already ruined enough lives, it's time for her to get her ahem, just desserts
auste ★
1 years ago
Emerald as fall maiden though
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Same. XD I said it before but I'm pretty sure her stepping on Little was CRWBY going, "Yeah so she just crushed a small lovable animal, she gon' die."
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Little get to be Big?
rlly good brain
1 years ago
auste ★
1 years ago
auste ★
1 years ago
So RWBY and Jaune can all escape
rlly good brain
1 years ago
jkdsk oh my god...
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Little comes back as a giant mouse....and just eats Neo!Cat. Roman-style
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Okay but that's definitely something that's happening right? Mouse defeats Cat? Maybe not that ridiculously but that's gotta be the kind of turns tables these guys love.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Speaking of Purposes, Alyx is/became the Blacksmith so she could fix everything she broke even after the Cat killed (?) her. End scene.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
And her brother Lewis wrote their story (but removed himself) and characterized his sister as the person she could have been/would have been.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Oh hey look, double sibling feelings this episode. Yaaaaaay.
auste ★
1 years ago
Forget Neo redemption arc, we are getting Alyx redemption arc.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
auste Sure are!!
rlly good brain
1 years ago
/whispers to the FNDM see that's the thing about redemption arcs...the character has to want to do/be better to get one
rlly good brain
1 years ago
V9 and parts of the FNDM still don't seem to get this but WE'RE IGNORING THEM.
Freakin Bat
1 years ago
stick a fork in neo, she's done
auste ★
1 years ago
It's why I never really wanted a redemption arc for Neo - I just wanted her to just betray Cinder because Neo doesn't seem the type to want to join up with the good guys. Besides, ROMAN IS NOT THERE, WHY WOULD SHE JOIN THEM
auste ★
1 years ago
But again, I'm okay with sticking a fork in her now
rlly good brain
1 years ago
This. Neo's never shown any consideration for anybody other than herself (and Roman).
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Cinder's never show any consideration for anybody other than herself. Adam never showed any consideration for anybody other than himself.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Emerald and Alyx realized they'd made mistakes and hurt people and chose not to do it anymore and try to make amends. HMMMMM.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Anyway, Weiss also had a great line this episode about how they've basically been beating themselves up for their mistakes when it's like, "literally everybody else around us has made mistakes, we're not freaking perfect and we're going to get stuff wrong; the important thing is to keep trying"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Basically this episode was just full of really good dialogue. About failure, about self-acceptance, about accepting others, about self-care???
auste ★
1 years ago
And they've ALL made mistakes
auste ★
1 years ago
And it's OKAY
auste ★
1 years ago
They're not gonna get saving the world right in one try
rlly good brain
1 years ago
This, oh my gosh.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Please flip the Brother Gods off if they get summoned though, pleeeeease- /shot
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Also I need an hour loop of that Existential RWBY Lo-Fi that was playing during this episode. Pretty sure I could fall asleep to that.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Please release this volume's OST to a place I can download it from legally, pleeeease RT.
skeleton horse
1 years ago
Let Jaune keep Juniper 2023 campaign
rlly good brain
1 years ago
I still haven't been able to get V8's OST because it only released to Spotify and Apple music, don't do thaaaat.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Nora would love them.
skeleton horse
1 years ago
also I guess Jaune is now officially fulfilled his Jean d'Arc routine, thanks Weiss
Freakin Bat
1 years ago
tbh the brother gods should get the kratos special
rlly good brain
1 years ago
sasageyo She just had to set something on fire this season, didn't she? XDXDXD
rlly good brain
1 years ago
It's fine. He's probably fine.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
ArchVile I kinda honestly hope they do go all Kratos on the brother gods. Because I mean really, they kinda suck. XDXD
skeleton horse
1 years ago
My feeling is he ascends back into his normal age so he can go back and be the same age as everyone else.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
sasageyo That's my current guess too, but who knows at this point???
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Whoever animated this shot, I just wanna talk: https://64.media.tumblr.com/3a2ed39254144dfc985437e2630eea2c/8dcb9292c53f0bea-26/s1280x1920/61bebf1a7d51e2e4e05ba8fcbbbc9024d8d47126.pnj
skeleton horse
1 years ago
I guess we'll see in a week!
rlly good brain
1 years ago
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Side tangent, lol called it. Certain sections of the FNDM over-catastrophized over last week's episode and what they thought the effects would be and now they're disappointed/butt-mad over it. OH WELL, TIME TO IGNORE THEM TOO.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Anyway, I'm kinda hoping they arrive in Vacuo at the end of the next episode and they're just met with like...the biggest of cheers??
rlly good brain
1 years ago
Because yeah, Atlas and Mantle are currently gone but as Robyn said "What is a kingdom?"
rlly good brain
1 years ago
These guys did their absolute best to evacuate as many people as possible to a safer location and, to an outsider's perspective, appeared to give their lives for it?
rlly good brain
1 years ago
So I seriously hope they come back to like a Hero's Welcome. Not like full-blown Star Wars parade a statue would be funny tho but like, somebody give these kids some in-world accolades they are doing their Best.
rlly good brain
1 years ago
I'll settle for a Return of the Jedi/Ewok-style Vacuo feast. That's fair, right?
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