1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
The Ukrainian soldier’s live decapitation video: have you heard about it, and if yes, from the news or social media or how ? Not necessarily looking to discuss it, just wondering how much it’s getting out and on people’s radar.
latest #9
Honey Bunny
1 years ago
yeah, on my phone news snippets thing
1 years ago
i have not seen it, but i'm also the type who would avoid things like that
1 years ago
but reddit often posts them and i use reddit a lot
1 years ago
I’ve been following the war on Reddit among other things and we were hoping for mainstream coverage and international outcry. I wondered if it would reach people not actively following. I scrolled through my Google News feed and barely found two very tepid vague articles.
Honey Bunny
1 years ago
I'm not a very good gauge for this as I don't watch the news and I have family in Ukraine. I might be too targeted
1 years ago
That matters too!
1 years ago
Well here goes, the day before yesterday, a video started circulating of a young Ukrainian soldier getting his head cut off by Russians with a knife while alive. It looks like it was filmed last summer but there has surfaced these past few days other more recent videos of Ukrainians found with their heads cut off as well and also of a head found on a stick.
1 years ago
And we have screenshots of Russians on Telegram cheering on with emojis and Russian soldiers promising to expect more of that.
Anna | Jacq
1 years ago
This is the first I'm hearing of it. This is horrifying.
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