1 years ago
I got my mortgage papers today! Only thing they put Mac's name on the papers and not mine. Mac's been gone 18 years and the house was legally changed to my name after he died. wtf
latest #8
1 years ago
Thank goodness I'm on the deed but I sure wanted those papers in my name after paying the damn thing off!
1 years ago
I had a difficult time getting names changed.... properly...after my parents passed. One hand seems to not know what the other hand is doing at LOTS of places
1 years ago
yay for Dede! I've tried to make sure all of my parents' accounts and assets have my name and my brother's name on them as well, to hopefully ease some transitions.
1 years ago
Deadrella: Weniki: I just had to make sure if i sell the house I won't have any issues!
1 years ago
Dede39: Exactly
1 years ago
I actually had to go through a convoluted process of proving I was my parents only child when helping Dad sell the house. Best to ask all the questions and get things squared away before you have to do those major transactions
1 years ago
Deadrella: amen
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