5. MBTI:感覺 S 與直覺 N |方格子 vocus>直覺N是注意力放在概念思維的衍伸或歸納,但這不代表他們就一定是腳踏實地或好高騖遠,或者一定是善良或現實。 然後,很多的狀況下,感覺S跟直覺N的人聊天可能會覺得很漂浮空泛,直覺N和感覺S的人聊天可能會覺得很瑣碎無聊。所以,從對方跟你聊不聊得來,可以試著判斷對方的屬性約莫七成的準確性。
ENFP vs. INFP: How to Tell Them Apart>For example, the ENFP is the most introverted of the extraverted personality types. Pretty cool, huh? The short answer: INFPs and ENFPs use the same cognitive functions to perceive their world and make decisions. However, these functions manifest in a different order.
INFPs are first and foremost characterized by introverted feeling (Fi). They prioritize taking care of their internal emotional state above all. They love deeply and hate deeply, and feel most comfortable expressing themselves in front of a few trusted ones.