1 years ago
latest #39
1 years ago
do you like your spot? cool. don't like it? tell me and I shall finagle.
yeah jade does not like his spot at all actually can he request a refund from this entire labyrinth altogether maybe
(lmao i the player fuckin love this tho, thank you rnjesus holy shit )
time to chill with pratt at the end of things...apparently.....
1 years ago
I am thrilled to have Bastion be #54
1 years ago
lmao pratt and jade....have fun, guys
King of Games
1 years ago
just 2 dudes and they're having a good time
1 years ago
Can't tell if Mitsuhide going right after Nobunaga is a good thing or bad thing
I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but Vance doesn't appear to be on the list. Also, I am delighted that Chrissy is kind of in the middle. lol
aah yeah looks like this list doesn't have the adjustment for giles being further down per albion's request yet either (thinking)
comesailaway i know on discord you mentioned placing giles before jade, but actually if i could make an inverted request kinda thing: could giles go before pratt instead maybe? if sydney and albion would also be cool with that ofc!
the idea of pratt and jade potentially ending up being the last two dudes hanging out in the lobby with their completely contrasting vibes is just living rent free in my brain now, i love the idea of it so much lmao
King of Games
1 years ago
yes pls. leave the two of them together to "suffer" at their extreme ends of the spectrum
King of Games
1 years ago
their first conversation and it's here with Jade doing complex algorithms in his head to try and figure out if all his ship kids are alive meanwhile Pratt is like: you think we get cell reception in here? I wonder if there's a wandering tamale lady bringing us food during the horrors.
1 years ago
I love their complete opposite vibes ahaha
King of Games
1 years ago
them having to labyrinth together would also be hilarious. Pratt walks face first into traps and Jade constantly dead eyeing him.
1 years ago
I'd pay to watch the Jade & Pratt show omg
1 years ago
RIGHT that'd be so funny...
1 years ago
comesailaway: also cruisie can I bump Clarke up a little? give her more suffering time. but not like, after Tear I don't think...
filledwithstraw: jade, distractedly, in the middle of trying to mentally part All of his emotions from his body by sheer force of will: "what is a wandering tamale lady"
King of Games
1 years ago
congrats to Jade being the only one to learn Pratts name. :-)
omg is he really gonna be the first to find out that pratt's name is staci......
meanwhile it straight up doesn't even register in jade's mind as anything notable at all
less bc of the Existential Stress and more bc he already knows ppl back home whose actual first names are things like "Gailardia" and "Mystearica"
staci is a perfectly sensible name by comparison dw pratt
King of Games
1 years ago
sharky knows. ava knows (tho pratt doesn't know she does) and Darcy knows but thinks it was a lie.
can i request one of mine being bumped up the list a little? they're just both back at the end of the list and the idea that neither of them will have a chance at the labyrinth makes me a little sad
if not, that's cool
probably don't want watson and ylva right after each other anyway
1 years ago
Sorry to be a pest <3 I've got Yato and Demyx back to back could I get one of them moved up a smidge?
Lmao oh my god Arthur's placement
The gong sounds or whatever "okay John's fucking dead of whatever is in there! now you try"
1 years ago
i'll be sure to make the changes later tonight before the room post goes up
1 years ago
unless i forget. then you have to yell at me.
1 years ago
I'm happy as long as Bastion stays at the same numerical position, I'm not concerned about who's before or after them
Mrs. Sheepie
1 years ago
hypnoplasmids Arthur being so low is hilarious, just having to suffer through the room getting quieter and quieter
Maniette: Terrifying I love it
1 years ago
unless I counted wrong, in which case move them to spot 54
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