Mar!ssa says
1 years ago
after 30 years of age, my stomach decides not to tolerate milk, soy milk, and any dairy alternatives for the first meal of the day. Oh, and eggs too, unless hard-boiled, but it does make me gassy. But if it's not the first meal, any other time, it's fine
1 years ago
I feel this lol. Bodies are dumb.
1 years ago
stomachs seem to wake up later the older we are 😆 mine wakes up slowly so on my first morning drink, coffee or water, a few mins later i feel gas trapped in my stomach. i'll burp after a bit but it is kinda painful 😅
Lemongrass hates
1 years ago
food sensitivities.
same. i rly think now that it's a thing as we get older 😅