I know neither sound terribly exciting. As a Michigander it's not like ohio is drastically different-- it's one state awat. And Nebraska seems a lot less busy than Ohio but the same amount out cold I'm used to from Michigan, so it's no huge climate shift or anything
but my spouse has two amazing business opportunities and either one should work well for us in the long run
I haven't spent much time in Nebraska, but it's a beautiful state. If you're at all into nature and hiking or anything like that, so much great opportunity for that. But that's about all I know.
yeah, i honestly don't mind that its a quiet more rural place. i do hear it's quite lovely and we would be there to do research on mountain weather and storm chasing (which he has already driven out there to do)
Oh, yeah, it's a great place for that kind of thing
I did a week backpacking in the wilderness there, so that's the majority of my knowledge. I didn't spend much time in any towns or anything.
oh! that sounds so nice though. yeah! I'm someone who really doesn't leave the house much anyway so if I'm not living near a thriving city with a ton going on, i could still be perfectly happy, even if it would be a little lonely
he stayed in a hotel in lincoln and even though that's like a university campus town he saif the city streets were nice and wide and it wasn't like crowded or intimidating at all
That was my experience with the places we drove through and ate at on our way to the backcountry.
I know nothing about Nebraska but I grew up in Ohio and depending on where you go, you could have both city and countryside
yeah! that's good. that's what my research keeps turning up too. i really don't mind vibes like that
ooh! yeah, same with Michigan like i never really lived IN a city, but I've been to some on trips. With Ohio we'd be living in Columbus so yeah, BIG change. It really is a decision between city life and a quiet one I already kinda know
Like Ohio is gonna be the opposite, I'll probably take transit to work, have to learn to walk around a bustling metropolis but there will be lots of opportunities and Brian already has guaranteed job with amazing benefits in a career he wanted. It would be scary for me because i fear change, but it could be nice if i could get used to it
and i already spent half a year in California so i was always kind of expecting i might have to try this lifestyle for a period of my life
The scariest thing about a big change is the unknown. Once it's known, it's so much easier to adjust.
I went through the opposite, growing up in Boston and spending most of my life living at the edge of a major city and then moving to the middle of nowhere in the AZ wilderness as an adult.
Idk about Nebraska, but Ohio is absolutely gorgeous, so if you're into visiting national parks and stuff that's an angle to consider.
Ooh gotcha. Yeah in Michigan I hung out in places like Novi and Ann Arbor, but those are what i always referred to as 'practice' cities , i felt safe anywhere there and I never lived in them only drove down for the day or for school. I just feel unprepared for the real city experience and i don't want to make foolish mistakes
oh! that is a nice perk to know. i have grown to appreciate parks more now that I'm older
Honestly if that's the way it leans, I'd recommend just visiting a Big City for a week and getting a feel for it.
But if you'd like any tips or advice for city living....I grew up in Boston, and in a pretty bad part of Boston to be quite frank.
yeah! that's a good call. we're definitely gonna spend a day there to scope out apartments and such so i know I'll feel a lot better after I do that
ohhh gotcha, yeah i mean i don't wanna get too spooked but i would like to know that kind of stuff too
i may ask more if that's what we decide on, if you're okay with that later
Hahaha nah, nothing scary! But yeah, feel free to hit me up.
oh good! heh ^^ yeah, thanks, i appreciate it
like, Columbus is intimidating because it's growing faster than people can account for so it seems like people are scrambling for jobs or finding affordable places to rent, but if Brian already has a guarenteed one and the government will give us a stipend for rent, like that's already a big advantage we'll have.
so I'm probably a lot more concerned than i need to be
Yeah that's a huge advantage
yeah! Columbus also likely has more opportunities for me artwise than Nebraska too since one of the bigtime anime cons is held there, which is something to consider. i could probably meet more art friends in the city over a more countryside setting (though really, you never know, we nerds be everywhere lol) if i was brave enough to seek people out
I'm rambling but yeah thank you, it feels good just to have somewhere to get all these thoughts down
Columbus also has a very nice little Japanese market with a bakery!
I've been there several times
ooh! ♡ yes we had a japanese bakery in Novi along with an authentic grocery store. I love those. A definite perk :>
oh we are so going there if pick Ohio visit to visit for apartment hunting
there's a lot to consider!! though I'm biased in favor of Nebraska due to proximity, but Ohio definitely has its own set of opportunities
yeah! i still have yet to know the full details of the offer for Nebraska vs Ohio but the fact that Brian didn't immediately pick one over the other already has me convinced they're pretty equal, so that's a part of the equation I still need
proximity would be quite nice though :>
yes!! maybe eventual fieldwork in Colorado after studying the mountains in NE. Ohio already suggested eventual fieldwork in Antarctica which was the goal all along so you never know!
plus the stormchase group he is joining in May is based there so I'm thinking part of the offer might be training to join up with them in a more permanent position. but that's just speculation
all i know is he was also meeting with them on this trip (they're also part of that uni/research team brancg)
so many exciting things!!
mmhmm! I'm so intrigued to know all the details