1 years ago
I used ChatGPT to write a simple LSL script.
1 years ago
Did it work? Yes technically.
1 years ago
Did it work properly? No but it got my 90% there.
Mmw Strangelove
1 years ago
I tried to have it write a simple door script the other day, but I haven't been in to try it. I was surprised it could do it at all, though!
1 years ago
I had it write me a script that would record and switch between two positions for an attached object (sunglasses) using chat commands. It used SetPos instead of SetLocalPos, so it didn't work properly until I fixed that. But otherwise worked great.
1 years ago
LSL is a lot like French for me. I can read it fine but I have a helluva time writing it. As long as both the French and LSL is pretty basic.