patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Good morning, everyone. I have some exciting news about what we're doing with the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College.
latest #17
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
We're now ready to start accepting memberships from those who would like to join me as members of the Institute! You can get the details...
cuaguy says
15 years ago
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Crescat? Nice. Do you ever visit the campus?
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Good morning, CUA
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
(BTW, I would love to do my Ph.D. at CUA, but I can't move to DC to do it, so I have to settle)
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Excellent. Hey, check out the link to the Institute, please. I am urging all my online friends to join me as members. Thanks.
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
say, Grace#🟦 says
15 years ago
morning Patrick
15 years ago
He, good morning - just found you here on Plurk from your comments with Fr. Cory. Good to see you.
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Thanks, Paul. I just added you.
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Hi, Debi.
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
patrickmadrid: I'm definitely praying for the success of your Institute. I'll pray you get lots of members to spread the Good News!
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Many thanks, Father Cory.
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