1 years ago
[death] Wanted to share some nice memories I have of Tay with the news.
latest #16
1 years ago
When I came back to DWRP in 2020- I'd been lurking around, saw the Hypmic reserves list at Avalon, and jumped in- Tay was the first person to approach me OOC, as the head mod of Avalon and the Hypmic cast server owner. She was so friendly even tho i was a total stranger.
1 years ago
I always felt so welcomed in her presence, and I loved seeing what new stuff she was up to. She was so down-to-earth and gung-ho for the goofiest of threads. I always knew that something was gonna be fun when she was involved, no matter what it was.
1 years ago
She built Avalon to be such an expansive world, with such a cozy atmosphere.. I loved our time there, from start to finish. The amount of work she put into it was so admirable. I really respect her.
1 years ago
Between her welcoming presence and the existence of Avalon at all, it's not an exaggeration to say I wouldn't know 99% of you without the help of Tay! I owe her tons.
1 years ago
She was a lovely, funny, and bright person, and I was so sad last night to hear of her passing. I'm glad I got to share time with her on this earth.
1 years ago
Give your loved ones a hug for me, everyone.
1 years ago
(and off topic but i'm around on discord and twitter, just havent used plurk in a hot minute since i haven't RPed for a bit)
Cơm Tấm
1 years ago
1 years ago
fallen star 🌙
1 years ago
thank you for sharing, tay really did bring so many people together
1 years ago
She was fantastic at it! I feel so lucky to have gotten to be a part of what she built. I still remember reading her goofy threads with Taichi and how she could bounce him off of basically anyone. It was a delight to see her write with anyone
ice warden
1 years ago
thank you for sharing. This is exactly how I remember tay myself.
1 years ago
This was such a sweet plurk. Thank you
1 years ago
I am so glad to see this. It's very nice and you're right, she brought us together.
1 years ago
I wish I'd known her better while I was in Avalon. Thank you Mare, this was lovely.
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