it's been a whirlwind of a week. PHD visit for spouse went GREAT but that means getting used to the idea of moving out of state later this year and its a little overwhelming to think about heh. He has to still visit one more university for any runnerup opportunities but at this point they have to really wow him to convince him to choose them instead
biiiig wing hands with feather acting "fingers" (he would have bought telekinesis back from mana to use his powers for more delicate tasks you would need normal hands for)
wrap up in scarfs like nona, keep his aviator goggles and helmet but have his hair shaped more like feathers underheath. tiny rito beak nose with nightjar mouth that could open deceptively wide underneath
ah well. there's always fourth walls and the like if nothing else! i know I've done light digital warmups for him but i can't for the life of me remember whers those files are. maybe next time