❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
I woke up at 5:30am again, stupid internal alarm, and I rolled around for a couple hours trying to get more sleep to no avail, I was still soooo tired and sore
latest #19
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
just when I thought I guess I'm not getting any more sleep, I suddenly passed out for another three hours
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
I think I had a variety of dreams but the latest one was that I had a bunch of tabs open for people to tag on the mingle
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
but then I had a couple of tabs of old rp threads I started rereading?? and I was looking at one like I don't even remember this one?? and something possessed me to respond to it, thinking I hadn't but actually I did so I sent like a month-old late repeat-ish reply
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
then realized this was another character of someone who was in seasons now SO I WAS LIKE desperately typing up a private message like omg idk what's wrong with me DISREGARD THIS WEIRD REPLY
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
but before I could finish it I got a message that I was mentioned on plurk by them and I'm like oh no
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
it's out there now everyone knows WHAT I DID
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
and I think I woke up in real life from the embarrassment
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
PB ghost ♡
1 years ago
it is okay, you are here to have a good time! but I feel you on the embarrassment... I have replied to the wrong person before and felt REALLY SILLY.
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
fds;lk /holds you
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
I think I was screaming at dream me like DON'T DO IIIIT
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
but then dream me did it
PB ghost ♡
1 years ago
I was like "oh no. they saw it probably, they probably will."
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
quickly deletes and hides in a pile of blankets
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
blankets protect all
PB ghost ♡
1 years ago
me, internally: "I can change my entire life"
PB ghost ♡
1 years ago
"nobody will know of me"
❦ Alphinerd
1 years ago
lkjd LOL
PB ghost ♡
1 years ago
blankets are GOOD though!!
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