[dwrp] I've been sitting on a "Pending Tags" label in gmail since 2015. I will now finally purge it and we will at last have peace.
latest #16
good bye to tag anxiety!!
It has boiled in my gut ere these last eight years
You should've left it to 2025 for a nice round 10 years haha
I forgot I had them until I was trying to label some reservations and I had to wade through fifteen DW-related labels
There were 26 pending tags in there. All of them WAITING for me.
I should have responded to them all first to see what would happen. Alas.
but that's the trick of it. You'd sit down to respond to them and then not do it and then they would win for another 8 years.
such is the folly of tags
yes, I did indeed rip that bandaid off
Thank you, I tried to be as eloquent as possible
you're free at last, thus ends the era of Masa
now it is the time of Mune
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