1 years ago
[pet medical][nothing horrible] So the vet diagnosed Princess with idiopathic cystitis, and I have to switch back from the breeze pellet system to regular litter bc it will feel "more natural" to her and help her
latest #15
1 years ago
which I guess means going back to litter everywhere, which I'm not excited about
1 years ago
I also spent a while choosing litter and boxes and that sur cost me $150 bc 3 boxes, 3 mats, all the litter
1 years ago
I hope she knows how much I love her
1 years ago
but hoping this helps and we don't go through this again. she's still in her flare up from last week, but should be in the home stretch since it can last up to two weeks. at least she's my snuggle cuddle bug again
1 years ago
I'm sure she knows, and has ways of telling you and showing you she loves you back. /offers encouragement
1 years ago
I also ordered a couple more interactive toys with some strong reviews to try to help stimulate her when I'm working bc she needs more "environmental enrichment", like she doesn't have a million toys to house from all the time. these ones are supposed to simulate hunting, though, which is something they said she might need
1 years ago
shinotenshi22: oh she knows I adore her, it's the his much bc she doesn't know how much I'm spending and doing for her. I spent $400 last week on microchip feeders bc they're both on different food now
1 years ago
spending lots too keep her happy and healthy. very fortunate that I make enough that I can do this and still afford life things
1 years ago
nod hugs to you and chin scritches to her and chinnegan
1 years ago
chinnigan is a happy and agreeable lad!
1 years ago
/sends more scritches to both your kitties
Rabbit Witch
1 years ago
lol you should have asked we have like a billion extra boxes we aren't using because our cats don't know how to pee like normal cats
Angry Popoto
1 years ago
I’m glad that they’ve gotten a diagnosis for her, though I totally sympathize with the money pains. Here’s hoping that she recovers from the current flare quickly and without issues!
1 years ago
FluridCube: I wouldn't want to give her a box that smells like a house with other cats anyway. she's an anxious baby with most kitties bc they all bullied her when she was younger
1 years ago
aikonamika: me too! she wouldn't eat her tasty with her pain meds mixed in this morning bc she's wound up atm, probably bc she's uncomfortable. so going to have to try again later. chinnie will be excited for extra treat time lol
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