Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
Romantic & Sexy Questions to get thoughts moving
latest #9
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
Cast List ...I really need to fix the row wrapping
3, 9, 13, 16 and 17 for noah plz
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
3: He's a bit constipated about love, I think so it's gonna take him a minute or or so. (weeks maybe) Lust is easy to identify for him, love, not so much.
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
9: Touch! carefully petting hair to not muss hairdos, if hair is loose, he plays with it. Likes to sit close pressing his thigh against hers while carrying on the most mundane convo
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
13: He'd like a son or two for the estate (where he's a duke or duke in waiting) and daughters. He's an only child and there aren't many in his generation, so he'd like a handful of children. In magicverse/fae, he'd be happy with at least one, but would like more depending on his lady's wishes
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
16: Doggy-style with a mirror. Or he's sitting and she's on his lap facing him. With or without undressing for both
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
17: Oh goodness, I have no idea. Maybe he's tied down for once.
Ainsley ☄
1 years ago
keanuleaves ^ for you
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