[ giveaway ] hello hopefully curly haired strangers! this is actually a replurkable offer from cuddlebug who has a variety of hair products to gift to better suited heads. they're all cgm friendly and valued between $25-30, free for cost of shipping. take a peek if you're interested in a new conditioner or styler? ping cuddlebug for questions!
latest #59
2. devacurl plumping primer, 16oz (half bottle, also the pump never worked)
ty mou!!
yw! replurks appreciated so these can find a new home/hair
cancerously you said your partner might be interested? this one's public! but otherwise i haven't had any interest on my timeline so am looking to spread it a bit wider before i post to buynothing/reddit/etc.
ping your curly friends, i can answer questions about what they're like/why they didn't work/what hair types they might be good for!
whoops, i think i said it in your plurk or maybe it got hidden, but i'd be interested in the climate hold gel! cuddlebug my sister has super curly hair and mine's stupid wavy/a frizzy mess
dyads: hmm i see the comment mentioning maybe for your sister but nothing after i posted the list of products there? but that is doable! the sample size or full size stronger hold?
you know it helps if i actually send my comments. my bad, its still there on my phone, unsent sorry about that /o\ but i think i'll take the full size plz and thank! we share a lot of our stuff so i think it'd get good use!
Rizzaria 🔥
2 years ago
I just replenished my supplies so I’m good atm, but for anyone who’s interested in the stuff here, I highly recommend curlsmith! I have stupid long 2c-3a hair and it’s worked miracles on it
dyads: ...that explains it haha it's okay i was just worried i'd missed it and ignored you by mistake. i'll mark that one claimed, just pp me where to send? this stuff's all at home so i'll figure out packaging and shipping costs this weekend.
for sure! i'll dm you in a second, thank you!
goatlegs: yeah curlsmith is amazing!!!! it's the brand i've settled on, it's just that these two products have 1) coconut 2) shea butter, which i'm allergic to and too fine for, respectively. i swapped to the scalp line over the moisture line and am loving their stuff. it's also a "you only need like a quarter size amount" brand, so very worth it!
Rizzaria 🔥
2 years ago
Ahhh oh no! I’m sorry for the reasons why you can’t use it anymore, but I’m glad to hear you found a line that works for you!!
I'd be interested in the curlsmith co-wash if that's all right?
goatlegs: haha i only used these bottles... twice? first try i was like "oh boy maybe i used too much" so second time i used barely anything and my hair was still super overmoisturized and weighed down so. a mistake was made, OFF TO A BETTER HOME THEY GO. but the scalp line post-wash is fab for me.
ThriceWiddershins: of course!! just pp me with where it's going, and maybe a little with what your hair's like? i'm gonna hunt around for sample packets when i get home this weekend just to toss 'em in boxes.
2 years ago
Conditioner pls! And I'd like your opinion on the gels that are left, which one leaves hair the softest? I'm not used to using gel so I wouldn't want to rock anything crazy
TeaMergency: the curlsmith, yes? and i do prefer the devacurl supreme in terms of hair texture -- these are casting gels, have you ever used those or are you more of a creams person?
2 years ago
I'm more about creams, but I understand what they mean by uhh scrunching the cast out when it dries to get soft again? I do cgm with leave in conditioner/creams, but sometimes the hold isn't enough for the strays RIP
I know ThriceWiddershins was just talking about curly hair products the other day!
TeaMergency: yes they don't have moisturizing ingredients like creams/leave in so dry hard and crunchy, but you just have to scrunch upwards to break the cast and then your curls should feel super soft like nothing's in your hair! but without the frizz of if you actually had nothing in it. if that isn't the case, you might be under or overmoisturized.
i find creams too heavy for me and not enough hold, so i do a little bit of a lightweight leave-in and then a strong hold gel and scrunch it out once it's dry. the devacurl is more forgiving than the ouidad which is more forgiving than curlsmith style fixer which is more forgiving than kinky-curly... i could go on lol ymmv and it takes experimenting!
2 years ago
More forgiving like more curl flexibility or easier to use?
2 years ago
And do you use the gel every day or just to set it after showering?
ease of use! though curl flexibility is a factor in that -- if you use too much curling custard, for example, there's no amount of scrunching that will save you.
i personally only use gel on wash or reset days, the devacurl and curlsmith (not listed bc i'm keeping it) are water soluble and refresh very well.
i am a roughly once a week wash + once a week wet reset person, with a little spritz of water and twirling to refresh if needed in between. so my hair's only wet down for product twice a week.
2 years ago
OK yes that sounds like my hair habit too! I will take the curlsmith conditioner and the devacurl gel.
same deal, pp me where they're going!
2 years ago
tysm for the ping!! PBmajesty you want any of this stuff
2 years ago
I would be interested in the ouidad products. Sadly I can’t use Devacurl due to a chamomile allergy.
2 years ago
Thanks for the ping! I looked through and I am not interested, though to be fair my hair turns to straw when exposed to coconut so it's hard to find products without it LOL
magicarp: there's only the sample size gel left, but it's yours if you want it! i might also have some ouidad samples hanging around if you'd also be interested in those... they sent me a bunch of packets/travel sizes with my original order, i just don't quite remember what it all was. an oil cleanser, i think? and maybe a treatment.
PBmajesty: as someone very allergic to coconut, i feel you on this! it's in everything the only reason i gave these a shot after getting them by mistake was that they're rinse-out products. but then the shea butter (i think, as i was the same kind of overmoisturized as when i tried SM's profucts) also turned my hair to straw so. lol. alas!!
(to that end none of the deva or ouidad stuff i have around is coconut-based, nor is the curlsmith line that i'm keeping, so if you're looking for products there are options! i can link some others?)
2 years ago
I know my favorite brand of products currently is Bounce Curl, since that has stopped my hair from being a frizzy beast and has become a respectable curtain atop my head. I highly recommend it to anyone! But I am always on the lookout for anything new
okay important UPDATE!!!!!! (and kind of a bump lol) i got home to a kitty emergency this weekend so yesterday's "hauling things on the train" priority was the cat, besides the fact that i think i left the curlsmith bottles at a different client's because they're nowhere to be found at my house. i will be back there thursday!
so ThriceWiddershins and TeaMergency your boxes will go out friday sorry about that, but! i come bearing sample options, dyads plz all of you take a look and see if you want me to toss in any of these? or if anyone else just seeing this now wants the remaining items/samples, it's everything in these photos:
wash day wonder: pre-wash slippy stuff to help you detangle
curlbond tube: shampoo
curlbond packets: treatment masks
ouidad tube: treatment mask
botanical boost: a day 2+ refreshing spray
cleansing oil: ....that's it that's also the description lol
bonding oil: a very light scrunching oil for cast-breaking that helps prevent frizz
and then obvs we've got the deva plumping primer and little ouidad climate control gel left, plus a sample packet of the strong hold that's going to corie.
(also my cat is gonna be fine, ftr. and tracking updates will go in your pp! dyads i can get yours in the mail today if you pick samples before like 4pm?)
Im glad kitty will be okay!
I’ll take one of the devacurl samples
Oh right. The repair and bond sample!
2 years ago
Ouidad botanical boost spray sample looks good! But honestly if someone else wants it, go for it, because I already snagged stuff lol
ooh, the little ouidad climate control gel would be great!
TeaMergency: you guys seem to be the only interested ones, so dibs whatever you like!
ThriceWiddershins: i'll toss you the 2.5 and the packet, since corie is getting the big bottle of that already!
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