latest #31
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
not fanart, but a Vyng-ass illustration nonetheless (somebody shared it on the Spout Lore discord server)
> December rip January
*1. Oscar. I never want to oversell what Vyng actually does on that farm
p. sure he thinks of himself as a cryptid that's taken up residence in somebody else's house like an old raggedy possum, that also has slumber parties with the chickens and raves with the plants in the greenhouse
2. Obi-Wan. listen, I am weak for dads dating (??) and being like "what if we were chaotic bastards and also domestic with my children sometimes too, tho"
*3. Obi-Wan. the downside of having him ICly change usernames before OOCly dropping off the radar is, I keep forgetting he has a new one in the first place. but that is also on brand for Vyng, so I ain't even gonna sweat it
2 years ago
I support Vyng being a cryptid
2 years ago
So on the farm note, I've been mentally going with Ezra is up there at least twice a week? And doing his best to educate himself. He's more a gardener than farming of any scale, but he's Doing His Best.
woodrift: it's what he prefers, tbh. fewer expectations, and everyone is surprised when you do anything at all. AMAZING
in all fairness, Paul has said Vyng enjoys raising animals and would keep goats and sheep if he ever settled down somewhere. So I imagine he does some stuff. But he's also so very scatter-brained and has trouble sticking with one thing
skipthedemon: bless u, Ezra
I think we'd kinda touched on Ezra and Vyng working on some elemental training, if you ever wanna handwave or revisit any of that
2 years ago
Oscar will be over more often once he realizes this
2 years ago
Vyng is good but being organized is not his specialty
2 years ago
Ezra can do organized. He's good at that. He trying do too much, honestly
Vyng was the director of a community theater at one point in his life, apparently, so I imagine he's got some organizational skills? But the longest he stuck with anything was like 10 years as a janitor, which was his favorite job, so I mean. he prefers stuff that's more meditative and simple, and less.....running a business lmao
skipthedemon: he does, what...orphanage, farm, sanctuary stuff? anything else?
woodrift: yes, please, Oscar. help 🙏
2 years ago
as the currently ranked Actual Farmlad, Oscar will definitely help
2 years ago
TA to Obi-Wan's classes occasionally and playing catch up on the academic side of his own education.
*1. Michael. somebody's being a grumpy gus today
2. Oscar. one of these days Claire, Lucy and I should just brainstorm ways the 3 of them have annoyed NPCs lmao
3. Obi-Wan. "can I offer you a chicken in this trying time"
2 years ago
jackets: I love this drama
4. Michael. because this somehow makes more sense than Michael telling him to gtfo
woodrift: annoyed NPC drama?
2 years ago
LOL omg saaame. one of my favorite threads was between Vyng, Billie and 2 rando disciple npcs who still make cameos sometimes
5. Michael. broooo
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