StuSykes thinks
15 years ago
enter shikari was immense! :-D
latest #21
Captain Jonny says
15 years ago
OO Stu babes
StuSykes says
15 years ago
did u go ian? i sent u a text but it mite have bin ur old number
StuSykes says
15 years ago
StuSykes says
15 years ago
i only went so my mate couldsell his ticket but i ended up buyin 1 for £5
StuSykes says
15 years ago
was worth it!
StuSykes says
15 years ago
shame u wernt there dude, think ive still got concussion from the mosh pit
StuSykes says
15 years ago
same haha, i floored 4 ppl,1 started crying :/
Captain Jonny says
15 years ago
another beef related injury
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