2 years ago
more gundam zz! episode 8 this time
latest #6
2 years ago
still solid. nothing's wowing me yet, but i'm hoping that now that they're in space it'll pick up some
2 years ago
fights continue to be good, the characters all work, the sense we get of shangri-la as a place is excellent
2 years ago
just watched one more before bed, 9 is getting things moving in some interesting directions
2 years ago
i think glemmy's introduction was pretty good, and it's interesting to see this twist on the (by now) standard cross-faction relationship
2 years ago
we've seen the dummies before but not quite like this. cool to see them get used more creatively
misty bloom
2 years ago
context that will save you confusion later: char was originally slated to be in zz, but after cca was funded, they pulled him from the script. glemy was put in his role, but this was a late script change and he may have already been locked in for other beats at that point
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