we’re legends
1 years ago
boring inside unless you care about the minutiae of travelling
latest #79
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
check in on replacement of expired photo ID SEEMS IMPORTANT
we’re legends
1 years ago
find someone to borrow luggage from (expensive, no space to store it)
we’re legends
1 years ago
cont tmrw
1 years ago
oh no. yes the photo ID is very important
we’re legends
1 years ago
call bmv monday to find out where the fuck my new id is
we’re legends
1 years ago
keep reaching out to borrow luggage
we’re legends
1 years ago
to pack
we’re legends
1 years ago
week of clean outfits (6 dresses/shirts, 6 leggings, 7pr/underwear&socks, you never know/cardigan and light hoodie/ 3 camisoles
we’re legends
1 years ago
laptop/phone/nook/kindle/cords for those three plus fitbit/HEADPHONES
we’re legends
1 years ago
deodorant/toothbrush/toothpaste/skincare (travel stratia plus cleanser, snail, toner in silicone squeezies
we’re legends
1 years ago
(seek travel size toothpaste/deodorant/etc
we’re legends
1 years ago
masks/lano/lip balm
we’re legends
1 years ago
rx drugs (citalopram, wellbutrin, metformin, clonidine, melatonin)
we’re legends
1 years ago
gallon ziploc bag
we’re legends
1 years ago
lipstick/eyeshadow/foundation why not
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
cont further
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
Bucky and McManus
we’re legends
1 years ago
face baby cloths
1 years ago
pajamas. and make sure your clothes you bring are super comfy. because we're gonna be sitting around on my couch a lot XD
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
all of my clothes are comfy, i cannot participate in jeans friday at work because bc virtually everything i wear i could sleep in
we’re legends
1 years ago
i am cool with just kicking my socks off and curling up in bed
1 years ago
1 years ago
... tbh unless I'm leaving the house I just stay in my pjs all damn day >.>
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
like i usually sleep in my underwear, but on weekends i have one or two garments to just drag on and pretend i got dressed
1 years ago
I have snuggly cats with sharp claws, so that is a bad idea for me.
1 years ago
I do sleep in actual clothes XD
we’re legends
1 years ago
lol very sensible
we’re legends
1 years ago
my ID just arrived, thank god
we’re legends
1 years ago
also looooooool it literally says "not for federal purposes" on it bc Maine is that far behind on updating how we make the damn things
we’re legends
1 years ago
my last one did not say that
we’re legends
1 years ago
google says i'm good to fly with it tho
1 years ago
thank goodness
we’re legends
1 years ago
now just left to organize luggage, like, if it comes down to it i have a backpack i can use as carry-on if i pack very sparingly, plus apparently a purse qualifies as like secret invisible carry-on, but having actual luggage pieces would be nice
1 years ago
yeah I used to fly with a backpack and a carry-on that I'd stuff in the overheads
1 years ago
do not under any circumstances let them put a backpack into the actual luggage compartment though, like if they say they don't have room in the overheads and want to check it. I did that once and they destroyed my backpack
we’re legends
1 years ago
I will not
we’re legends
1 years ago
This is the backpack that was a decade old BEFORE it carried me through homelessness. No one gets to fuck with it
we’re legends
1 years ago
omg I’m actually going to California to visit you, like, my adult life has featured enough instability that I haven’t quite trusted it would actually happen until just now
1 years ago
1 years ago
I have cleaned the futon that you're sleeping on and scheduled actual cleaners to come next week cuz the kitchen and bathroom are beyond my ability, so I sure hope it's real
we’re legends
1 years ago
I’m gonna meet you and possibly one of ur cats and watch TV together and eat at interesting places and go to a museum and see a California beach and come back home at midnight-thirty to wake up everyone else in the house I can’t wait
1 years ago
you'll meet both my cats! Momo will probably sit on you. Misty will hiss at you
we’re legends
1 years ago
lol I was not sure Misty would allow me into her presence at all
1 years ago
when you're here that long you'll see her, at least when it's food time and she's hovering, but definitely from the stairs while we sit on the futon
we’re legends
1 years ago
excite. I love her so
we’re legends
1 years ago
My gmail will not autocomplete it so, yet again: your email?
1 years ago
cacopheny @ gmail
1 years ago
same as my handle literally everywhere else XD Iam predictable
we’re legends
1 years ago
1 years ago
at gmail yeah
we’re legends
1 years ago
There was an adjustment to my flight schedule not long after you bought the ticket, and I’ve been waiting to forward it to you in case there were any w
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
1 years ago
awesome. I was gonna ask you to forward me your flight info anyway, so I'd know which baggage claim to find you at
1 years ago
(I know you might not check baggage, but it's the easiest place to find people)
we’re legends
1 years ago
i've hopefully got a suitcase incoming, so i'll be checking that. like, i could just pack backpack and purse, but leeway is precious. especially if i'm able to afford anything to bring back
we’re legends
1 years ago
suitcase: procured
we’re legends
1 years ago
temperature on this unseasonably warm day: 10-8 degrees lower than LA
we’re legends
1 years ago
next week looks like it'll be around fifteen degrees' difference? this fucking "winter" has been ridiculous here, just the scariest evidence of climate change yet
1 years ago
1 years ago
I just saw a thing on tumblr about that
we’re legends
1 years ago
Yeah, like. Aside from a couple snow storms and a cold front that brought us two days of the coldest weather in decades (freaky in its own right), winter has felt an awful lot like late fall. It’s just been so goddamn warm, rarely near freezing when most winter days should be there or lower
we’re legends
1 years ago
We are so fucked, long term and short term - summer here is gonna be like molten lava
we’re legends
1 years ago
. . . anyway. suitcase, soft, fun pockets, standard size so 30 bucks to check each way bc Delta, gonna put all the important shit (electronics, cords, skincare, couple changes of clothes in case of luggage loss) in my backpack and purse, gonna spend saturday getting my shit together and sunday in the air remembering
we’re legends
1 years ago
everything i forgot
we’re legends
1 years ago
and jfk is requiring all delta passengers to check in at terminal four, so i know that in advance which really helps my stress level in re: the traveling part
we’re legends
1 years ago
and i shelled out a few bucks to upgrade the flight between portland and new york and back, so that will be a nice way to ease in on the way out and to relax coming back
1 years ago
nice ^^
we’re legends
1 years ago
Like okay and I know I’m fixating on the flights but TO BE CLEAR i am so fuckin pumped about coming to see you and to do a few outings and to watch TV and movies together and to have Misty hiss at me
1 years ago
no it's cool, I understand :3
1 years ago
/loves on!
we’re legends
1 years ago
Also lol I talked a bit about visiting you, a person I have known for years but never met in person before, to an older coworker and he was like “but what if ur getting catfished” and I said “then I will shake Gail’s hand in respect for playing one hell of a long game”
1 years ago
that would be pretty tricky to do ahaha
we’re legends
1 years ago
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