As he approached, however, Jake suddenly moved with more coordination than previously exhibited, tugging Natasha behind him so he was between her and Slider. Tom snagged his RIO’s arm as Bob kept the other blond upright. 很喜歡這一段,高大的Slider跟在Ice身後走過來,Jake神志不是很清醒但還是馬上把Natasha護在自己身後
“What’s he on, Bob?” Ice asked softly, not missing how the incapacitated Lieutenant’s too bright gaze sought his. “Kaz’ny,” Jake suddenly grinned, relaxing. “Hey, Jake,” the admiral offered a small smile, relieved that the man recognized him. “S’fe,” his head hung suddenly, releasing Phoenix for the first time since the incident. 然而聽到Ice的聲音後,他就判斷這裡是安全的