1 years ago
I consider myself and extrovert but guys.... I've been peopling since Christmas non-stop. And now I just want to be a hermit. Is it too late to covert to introvertism
latest #7
1 years ago
I don't want to see and interact with another human being for like.... 3 days or so. Just doggos and cattos pls
Sometimes Bacon
1 years ago
that's just called recharging
Sometimes Bacon
1 years ago
you should do that sometimes
1 years ago
i really should. unfortunately it's a monday around this part of the world. i really should have just slept all day yesterday :'-(
1 years ago
i also miss sl so much. did you know that furniture in rl is so expensive and they don't even come with colour change hud ugh
Sometimes Bacon
1 years ago
ugh and its heavy to move and you cant just store it in your inventory
Sometimes Bacon
1 years ago
more expensive too
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