sittin in balloon corner like the birthday boy he is
Malleus really fits my current aesthetic best described as "throwing a party but did not expect anyone to actually show up so just pulling out chairs from random rooms in the house"
Aw the balloons are cute lol
the chikara corner with malleus
happy happy chikara
he need not fear the chikara corner
already a bespoke immortal
I made the balloons cuz fighting Floyd in the library gave me a ridiculous amount of unique paints
But I'm trying to make my room comfy for Jamil eventually so they are a curse upon my house
But I want comfort points so. Fun is allowed. For Now
in a clown containment zone as far from the other decor possible
I hate that I might actually have to level characters I don't like now...
so far I've been managing with the help of buddies
God bless my two friends who have always had the same Jack and Trey SSR up

3 more furnitures up! Scarabia table in the clown corner and a new rug and painting
It sucks when the game REQUIRES certain characters for certain farming locations.
I have not leveled any Sebek or Ruggie cards aside from what limited missions have required of me.
Yeah that’s what makes room battles prob some of the hardest content lol
The limited team comps are like, rip
At least the required characters change daily, iirc?
But it sucks having to wait for a different required lineup
If anyone needs a strong Sebek... I'm happy to free up some friend spots so people can use my stupid boy
(Game please give more spots overall)
I have definitely used your Sebek though I hope to eventually level his camp SR
Ruggie is suffering tho. hahaha
Poor Ruggie. For me, that's Pomefiore in general
I'm pretty good on those, I have some of Vil and Epel's SSRs and Lab Rook pretty high up just cuz I like him
I have Rook's SSR and Bean's Vil, but they are low level ='D
I’m willing to add more active players owo/
My support is mostly max spells/lv95 Leona /nods unless I feel like changing it up but I’m trying to get more spells maxed out for SSRs
Fyre you play JP so I assume you would know. What do friendship levels even do?
Also I dunno if anyone in here doesn't have me friended yet but my Kalim and Jamil both have max spells too lol
They give you items and also certain friendship levels will raise your cards max level
iirc up to 10 levels? I’m not 100% but something like that
But feel free to ask if anyone wants to use smth else
so max SSR level in jp is 110
So pick a card you really want to level up/strengthen and go to town. I don’t remember how many friendship levels are needed either bc it’s 1 card level vs. every x friendship levels
I don't have any 100s yet... maybe someday
I just have Floyd and Jamil at 90
Leona is my highest bc he just keeps coming home randomly lol
That's how Floyd got 90.... Jamil came home twice and perfumed once
I'm expecting Ace to double uncap next if pattern holds. He's already at 85 from that. B-Ball club likes me, I'm like the chick in the Sports anime who is the club manager

My boy, ready and willing to fight for all who need him
Ack! Wait. Layers got mixed up

Sitting like he owns the place

this was only yesterday.... are people just using my guest room to further their rivalmances
aviekokyre he sure is, I like how unlike everyone else who sits on the clown chair he went straight for the wine
Leona my only guest with taste

you come to my house to kick malleus out and say this to me. the fuck. the audacity of this cat
like you're not used to it toby is leonakin
It's not like this is your place or anything lol
so now I invited Jamil cause I need someone who can stand their ground. and he said something like "So you want to host me? Show me what you've got" there's so much sass in this room
he's sitting on all of my chairs. every last one. and good for him
I don't think anyone's sat in my chair yet lol
Everyone just stand and wander
And Sebek keeps talking about a book that doesn't exist

he's suffering
bookends for Sebek's mystery book
doing history lessons with all the SSRs I got in anniversary (Riddle, Lilia, Ortho, Uncapped Dorm Floyd) + Epel just because he isn't fully leveled. even when they're all sitting, Floyd is making them look like the Lollypop Guild

He brought his book to my place now

made some elegant furnitures

I manifest the book
CAME BACK TO JAMIL AND SEBEK FIGHTING it was 100 percent Sebek who started it. Jamil is totally bewildered here and Seb is just like curse you human how dare you interfere
Yet he stands there all butler stance like he did nothing
did not get Kalim with the rolls available .... it's fine though

So my new uninvited drop-in is spooky Deuce and I have brought Malleus to inform him of Sebek's crimes
supposedly i am able to invite three people now but fuck if I can figure out how
I think you can only invite 1 at a time, but you get more drop-ins?
I wonder what the point of that is... it's not like the drop-ins level their friendship
it's fun to see them though
Maybe more opportunities for FITES!
starting a fight club at Ramshackle
The whole school is one big fight club to be honest
though the biggest fight club is Pomefiore somehow
I couldn't hope to match them
ok looks like inviting more just means Malleus is still here from last night after I invited Jamil this morning

LMAO I made this. It's So out of place hahaha
I should have made a floor or something I forgot about those
I love that Vil, despite looking delicate and beautiful? Can canonically beat tons of ass.
He frigging lifts weights and isn't afraid to throw hands.
And you know he'll fight to win because like hell is he gonna risk his pretty face.
I would not fuck with any pomefiore they will kill you LOL
Pome really is fight club it’s my favorite thing
Rook would smile pleasantly while doing it
Vil has killed a man. He slays
Vil would murder with a stiletto heel.
Also Ramshackle has fallen into the ocean lol
This dorm is now Disney's Atlantis
.... with his coloring, Kalim could be an Atlantean.
after all these months of Scarabia inveigling me, I return the favor via access to the Lost City where it turns out he has secret ancestors
/now imagining a white-haired Jamil too
Also. I was wrong. It is two drop ins after all. I just didn't notice because my second drop in was another Malleus
He just left. Changed clothes. And came right back. Like a guy in a cartoon trying to get extra free samples
It's his ceremonial robes too. You're not fooling me just because you have a hood on now!
Pfff you can't Team Rocket us!
Team Rocket Malleus is so good. Honestly I can imagine him playing at seeing how you react to thinking Hornton and Malleus are different people
anyway Epel showed up now. I clicked him four times in a row and all he has to say is he has a zit and Vil's going to chew him out for sure
we talked about Pomefiore fight club so much that it summoned a Pomefiore
You'll be bringing the Fight Club to your doorstep for that
I will definitely laugh if Vil shows up any time soon
we'll find out how well I hid Epel
something that happened too fast for me to get a cap
Epel, staring at The Book: This homework's too hard.....
ooh, I really like all the furniture that unlocks at rank 9
today's drop-ins are Azul and Trey. They both want to help me craft. Makes sense - I've been making Octavinelle furniture and Trey is just nosy
fuck I'm out of thaumarks though
I think it's such bullshit that you have to spend thaumark on furniture tbh
it's DIY and I'm getting my materials by fighting jerks in the school, why do I have to open my wallet!~
Because Crowley is a cheapskate!!
I wake up and go into my guest room and the first thing I see is JADE AND FLOYD BRAWLING EACH OTHER
that is so fucking terrifying hahaha
The Tweels are still winning...?
they heard this was fight club
Jade: I enjoy spending time here. It seems to be an .... eventful place
and whose fault is that, Jade

It's Atlantis don't worry about it
Just hit rank 11! I want to make Scarabia Foreground 1 next
That is very interesting. It also means he doesn't WASD technically
The explanation definitely makes sense. He’s all about efficiency.
It also doubles as an extra layer of security because most would be QWERTY familiar. It would take others longer to type using his stuff

Rumors of fight club keep spreading this is really on me for not establishing the first rule of fight club. I thought they would know but this is another world
Jack if you have to fight someone then please fight Deuce. Jamil is here to vibe.
oh nvm I guess the movies are the same

Malleus is here again
Cater and Jamil brawling at 1 am
Jack and Deuce never fought
but Cater has famously disliked me and Jamil loves so I must assume he is defending me from slander

I'm almost at furniture cap. Cater is team rocketing now to suck up to Jamil after he got his ass whooped
tbh I am trying to hit cap on purpose bc then I have no choice but to move things out that don't go together while atm I keep the cursed stuff in for the points
ugh I cobbled together enough gems for an eleventh hour ten pull and Kalim still didn't come
But I suppose it's because I'm just not a light music club sort of person lol
I don't understand music~

I made this really intentionally ugly one that's supposed to invoke an Ignihyde -> Scarabia transfer student lmfao
today's brawl is ACE AND MALLEUS..... wow Ace. that's very brave
Ace going for the Darwin Award today
that's just his lot in life
I didn't even have anyone invited at the time because I forgot so not only was he fighting Malleus, he was fighting Malleus with NO witnesses
if I did not walk in at that exact time he would be deceased
And he gives Deuce shit for being thick-headed!
You know Malleus was toying with him, like a cat with a bug.
With that sly fanged grin
I did my own magical pen with that picrew and I'm disappointed AF that the sakura branch pen clip doesn't work when you put the magestone and frame on the pen. Covers it up!
I just tried it and the best you can do is the clear one I guess
Yeah. My aesthetic is usually shades of blue, purple, black, and silver... with random cherry blossom appearances

whew the cap is reached!
It's funny that Malleus is sitting in the same spot as he was in the first cap I took.....
malleus knows he belongs in the chikara corner
especially because I put the spinning wheel right next to it
but now that I am at cap I will soon be able to get rid of that clownie shit
if only we could trade furniture like animal crossing
hey yeah you just got TWST again, gimme your friend code buster
i couldn't fully download it....it takes too much space on my ipad
i got the main game and then it said 'hahaha bold of you to think you could get any more' and locked me out
my last rank up increased my cap. the chikara corner stays but its days are numbered
I have a Scarabia fountain now but I unexpectedly hate it cuz the fou11e
Uh. I mean. the fountain seems like it should be animated. But it's not
It is very unsatisfying, a fountain that stays frozen in time.... It must be an enemy stand
WTF! as soon as I said that my Store's bgm started playing Walk like an Egyptian
Today in Ramshackle dorm we resurrected DIO with the cursed Atlantis water
fascinating speaking of flop disney movies from the early 2000s

whole B-ball club's here ♡