1 years ago
我有七個字母Seven letters has my name.做一個硬漢是我的遊戲Being a tough guy is my game.沒有我的武器,怪物、風暴、龍都無法阻止我Neither monsters, storms, nor dragons can stop me even without my weaponry.
現在,請仔細思考我的話Now, ponder my words carefully.沒有恐懼就沒有道德Virtue and nobility are nothing without fear.即使是一頭金髮的萬王之王Even for the king of kings, him with the golden mane,
1 years ago
多虧了我,他才能存活、咆哮與統治he who thanks to me can live,roar, and reign.我是誰?Who am I?