2 years ago
Tuesday Thinkers on "Virtual Music Bands: The BBC Tells Just Half the Story"

The BBC wrote a very optimistic piece on 'the rise of K-pop virtual bands' ( which, however, just tells one side of the story.
2 years ago
It's undeniable that there are many advantages of having a virtual band with hyper-realistic avatars controlled by AI singing, dancing, simultaneously performing in multiple locations and languages, and interacting with fans, 24h/day, via social media.
2 years ago
But there is a darker side to consider as well, which the article oversees: what about the _real_ performers? What rights do the human performers have over their own visuals, their own voice, their dancing abilities, their own stage presence?

Come and discuss!

Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022, 3 PM SLT

Location: Locus Amoenus/42/105/24