1 years ago
So trying to tiptoe back toward RP a bit. Would anyone like to do anything with Steve Harrington, Eliot, Peter Parker, or Billy, Tommy Shepherd, Alec, or Michael Guerin? Or anyone else, but they're my louder ones/most reliable voices right now.
latest #35
1 years ago
Also just for my being nosy and poking around purposes, where's everyone playing these days?
the usual spot
1 years ago
telekinetics lol. Well obviously that one. I see a few other names floating around. How's it going there?
like it always is i guess
horny on main.
1 years ago
oh i'd love to.
1 years ago
lol. Horny and traumatizing?
1 years ago
lol. Are you still playing battinson too? I've always got Jay or a half baked Damian to throw his way.
I'm honestly just in Sails now, and it's going great.
1 years ago
lovedbythesun Did you have anyone in particular in mind?
i do have battinson for memes and things
1 years ago
me me me
1 years ago
cornyflake I think I've seen Sails around! Who do you have there?
1 years ago
i am all for new things, maybe testing out ideas or things we've had
I apped Chrissy in just before Halloween and she's having just the best time!
We have Steve and Eddie already but we're all hoping for more Stranger Things or more horror kids/teens in general haha
1 years ago
mythotica Yus! I'll hit you on Discord tomorrow, I have just been recruited to go with the sister to pick up food apparently.
1 years ago
cornyflake I'm not up to a game yet, but I like to scan around to Consider for when I am. lol. I've got Will from ST too, but I'm never sure how well the younger kids will vibe in games either, so I usually stick to memes.
1 years ago
Any and all of the above?
horny on main.
1 years ago
which version of peter parker? aaaaand Michael.
1 years ago
telekinetics I will bat eyes at you next time you want to put him on memes.
i'll probably toss him on the texting meme that goes up tomorrow/tonight
1 years ago
lovedbythesun I do the MCU version usually but tend to au a bit and use comic nonsense too. And Michael is good too!
That's fair! There's a pretty decent mix of ages and canons so even the younger kids would probably do decently. <3 But I'd also be down for doing something on a meme somewhere.
horny on main.
1 years ago
hmmm i could probably throw dawn summers at peter and cait at michael.
1 years ago
Awesome, I'll hit him there if so.
1 years ago
I'll scan the memes tomorrow and see if one looks likely for cait and michael or dawn and peter and ping you! Unless you have one in mind.
1 years ago
cornyflake Memes are also good. Chrissy can be not dead andhang with Will. lol.
1 years ago
zandroid You may have whichever you like as long as you eat before nap.
horny on main.
1 years ago
sounds great!
Being not dead is the ideal! haha
1 years ago
I'm off to pick up food. <3
1 years ago
voicessayhello: Yes mom. 😉
1 years ago
I figure your dance card filled while I was making a spice blend, but you know you can ALWAYS ask me for any of mine. I'm always happy for cross canon
1 years ago
or castmates of course
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