1 years ago
latest #75
1 years ago
day 2 of still no heat, still no power in freezing temps, have to keep cycling off my phone to try and make it last so I can't do literally anything or even talk to anyone
1 years ago
I'm hungry and I'm painfully cold and I'm stressed beyond reason
1 years ago
this month has been hell, starting with me getting so insanely sick last month's end that I had to drag my corpse to the airport for a week and a half trip where I was basically out cold 80% of the time— after my debit card was stolen, and then the replacement card was stolen out of my mailbox while I was away—
1 years ago
came home in the middle of the last freezing power outage, had a stroke scare on the heels of that, only to find out that it was anemia just beating me in
1 years ago
my replacement credit card still hasn't come in yet so I can only order necessities via online payments through my bank account, and still have only been partially reimbursed for what was lost
1 years ago
and now this
1 years ago
I don't know what to do
1 years ago
I don't know how to cope with this anymore
1 years ago
I feel like I'm waiting for the moment when everything just levels out and it's not coming
1 years ago
so realistically all I can do is drag myself up and keep going
1 years ago
t's honestly amazing that 40k people have their heating and electricity back after how bad the damage was, and I know tomorrow I'll be out on the road again so it doesn't really matter now, but it sucks so bad to be sitting up crying again because I'm too miserable to even sleep and am just burning my last battery % trying to vent it out
1 years ago
with no outlets and no relief
1 years ago
knowing that this stress is going to probably lead to another flare spike, where I won't be able to function again, where I can't get a single damn thing done, and then my platelets drop and my b12 bites it and I get sick and—
1 years ago
on and on it goes
1 years ago
I just thought at least these last three days would be good and I'd feel human again
1 years ago
but the joke's on me
1 years ago
1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/Dx5U3trmZDGHjR1JsVRMc.jpg like dead of night fires that look like daylight
1 years ago
ah, 1% battery, damn
oh love I'm thinking of you ;;
i'm so sorry things are so hard
thirty sickos.
1 years ago
oh, hon, I'm so sorry
thirty sickos.
1 years ago
I've been there with the long power outage, of not with the health issues on top, and it's absolutely hell - it's scary and miserable and somehow boring as fuck. with everything else, it sounds like a waking nightmare
thirty sickos.
1 years ago
if there's anything we can do from afar, please let us know. and I'll be going that you finally get a break soon, because you deserve one
1 years ago
stay safe :-(
1 years ago
oh gosh
1 years ago
aw man. I’m sorry. what a miserable time.
1 years ago
i'm so fucking sorry, friend. please lemme know if i can do anything to help. like dove said, i've been stuck in the middle of a bad freeze before, and it's hell. i'm hoping everything is okay
1 years ago
/gentle hugs :-(
a cursed bird.
1 years ago
ah honey, i am so sorry. if there is anything i can do i am there, even if it’s just sending doordash or somethin’
hang in there hon. wish I could help
euryale ☆
1 years ago
i'm so so so sorry this is happening to you, this is awful and i hope things get better
Baby do you have a kofi or a gofundme
Pls gib links
I’m so sorry you’re going through this
creaky deer
1 years ago
Oh god ahhh how awful, I hate that you’re dealing with this
creaky deer
1 years ago
Is there any way you can safely hang somewhere else?
give me flowers
1 years ago
if you have a kofi or something let me know? this fucking sucks and if there's anything i can do, i'm here
1 years ago
jesus fuck I'm so sorry you're really going through it
1 years ago
echoing the above I know you weren't angling for this, but we wanna help even if it's something small
1 years ago
^ agreed with everyone else, and i hope getting in some chill time helps :c
I'm liking so I can find this later esp if you do post some links where we can kick you some bucks
cripes this sucks
doug meat
1 years ago
damn, those fires. i hope this weekend gives you a little relief
1 years ago
for real hope you can take a load off and decompress this is more than a lot
chrysler goose
1 years ago
holy shit honey, you've really been in the weeds
oh honey i'm so sorry
1 years ago
Oh my god i’m so sorry, I hope things turn around soon and your replacement card makes it to you quickly. I wish I was in a position to help as much as I wish I could. When you’re able to read these replies, I hope you have something to link for us to help with what we can. Please stay safe, I hope this all passes quickly.
1 years ago
ugh ty friendos.... :'<
1 years ago
I don't know what to say, I'm beyond overwhelmed and it's been such a whirlwind that I wound up just collapsing last night once we made it to a nice warm place where I could finally sleep after two days of barely 2 hrs at a time, so I'm sorry for being late to come back here but this is so incredibly sweet
1 years ago
I needed a place to vent out of desperation and just didn't expect so much thoughtfulness or
1 years ago
just anything at all really as I was hitting the limit of my stride but thank you, so much
creaky deer
1 years ago
I’m so glad you were able to rest
1 years ago
good god, me too, lmao
1 years ago
grips hand
a cursed bird.
1 years ago
yeah, no worries, very glad to hear you got rest in a warm spot
1 years ago
so happy you're doing a little better. that's all that matters, no need to apologize
1 years ago
and also I'm not linking this because I want or need anything, but because I know some of y'all are clever enough to outsmart my attempts not to anyways, lol, so here's my kofi but seriously, I'm okay now, I mean it https://ko-fi.com/...
1 years ago
I'm gonna go breathe in some fresh air and remember how to not be a shambling mess but thank you again
1 years ago
shaking all this off so I can come back stronger
1 years ago
and maybe also better at giving a thousand crushing hugs
oh man i'm so glad things are a bit better
give me flowers
1 years ago
holds you
1 years ago
Receive HUG
1 years ago
Glad you got to rest
creaky deer
1 years ago
a ghost
1 years ago
forced out to sea just to get cozy
a ghost
1 years ago
hope you can find some hill time
a ghost
1 years ago
well, chill time. but maybe climb a hill i guess if there is one
coba1t: squeezes you :{
ilu and i hope you can rest comfortably
1 years ago
man alive I'm glad you were able to get some rest, and I hope life calms tf down soon
a cursed bird.
1 years ago
grasp hand tightly
1 years ago
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