2022-11-29T17:38:06.000Z 2022-11-29T17:42:46.000Z
Mornin plurk! I just fixed a problem with my car all by myself and got most of my holiday shopping done so I'm treatin myself to sushi!
I haven't been on here in a while, but I'm happy to report I've been doing great! I've been pain-free for a few weeks now and while I still pass out on occasion I've learned to just kind of accept and make time for it in my day instead of getting stressed
haha wow yeah my plurk name definitely makes it clear how long it's been since I was properly on here
I've just wanted to say I miss you all (I think about rp still constantly. All the things Flug will want to do when back ect) but my break is definitely doing me good
I got Pokemon Violet as well! But I've issued a rule where I only play when my spouse does and since he is in his senior year of college and working three jobs-- yeah we're super slow lol. But I'm really enjoying it! Just no point in sharing my friend code when I'll take months to get from gym to gym\
I've been working on lots of prototypes for my shop and should be done with my last commission once I get the address to send it out. Hopefully today after sushi I can plan some new December releases